

1. Best wishes to you! 送给你最美好的祝愿2.Wish you healthy, wealthy and wise!祝你身体健康,财源广进, 英明盖世3. I hope you have a smooth trip. 祝你一路顺风!4. Wish you a happy trip! 祝你旅途愉快
第1个回答  2013-09-12
Bset wishes(to you)。给你最美的祝愿 生日祝福的是这样
If the time in the sky a wound
You can put a smile on flat wounds
If the chance to wait in the afternoon sensei sunset
You can replace the delicate appearance glow
If there really is forever
We should always waiting behind you
See you in the sky is beautiful and magnificent
Share your joy and perfect the summit
On April 30, your birthday.Love is your smile,,,This has been, and it has been good,,Beautiful your voice, let a person get drunk, don't want to wake upAlways laughing, dear
Finally, happy birthday.
第2个回答  2013-09-12
i wish i hope...主要看你想表达啥样的祝福,不同的场合有不同的用语啊。