

  (1) 已慢慢熟悉公司运转流程.
  (2) 对产品知识和常见的售后问题逐渐了解.
  (3) 并能自行处理跟进。
  (1) 工作不够细心.
  (2) 沟通能力,协调能力有待加强。
  (3) 部分售后问题的流程不够清晰.
  (4) 对自己的未来职业规划不够清晰。
  (5) 不够稳定,性子比较急。
  (6) 反映不够灵活,应变能力有待加强。
  (1) 一定要严密,谨慎,宁愿做慢一点,都要细心认真。
  (2) 在工作上锻炼自己的沟通和协调能力。
  (3) 遇到不懂或者不是很清楚的售后问题,一定要谦虚向相关同事请教。
  (4) 制定每天或者是每周工作计划,让自己条理清晰的,看那一项工作没有完成,和完成的效果。
  (5) 遇到事情先心平气和的静下心,认真思考,了解清楚后在处理。
  (6) 多接触不同的事物,改善。
  (1) 首先脚踏实地的做好本职工作,保持良好的心态,把基础打好,了解并熟悉公司的运转流程,向更高职位发展。
  (2) 掌握一门专业性的技术,例如是沟通技巧,协调能力,管理能力。提升自己的工作能力,和专业技能。
  (3) 多向身边一些优秀的同事,同学,朋友学习他们的处理事情的方式和沟通能力和管理能力。
  (4) 多看一些有助于工作和生活的书,提成自己的各方面不足。

  Work plan
  (1) it has been slowly familiar with the operation of the company.  (2) a gradual understanding of product knowledge and common - sales issues.
  (3) and be able to handle follow-up.
  (1) the work is not careful.
  (2) communication skills, coordination capacity to be strengthened.
  (3) the process is not clear enough.
  (4) is not clear about their future career planning.
  (5) is not stable enough, the nature is more urgent.
  (6) is not flexible enough, the strain capacity to be strengthened.
  The solution to the problem
  (1) must be strict, cautious, preferring to do a little slow, must be careful.
  (2) exercise their communication and coordination skills at work.
  (3) do not understand or are not very clear about the sale problem, must be modest to consult the relevant colleagues.
  (4) develop a daily or weekly work plan, to make it clear that the work is not completed, and the effect of completion.
  (5) the main encounter things calm and calm the mind, think carefully, understand clearly after treatment.
  (6) more than the different things to improve.
  Planning for the next two years:
  (1) first of all, to do a good job, to maintain a good state of mind, to lay a good foundation, to understand and familiar with the operation of the company, to a higher position.
  (2) master a professional technology, such as communication skills, coordination ability, management ability. Enhance your ability to work, and professional skills.
  (3) a number of outstanding colleagues, classmates, friends learn their way of dealing with things and communication skills and management skills.
  (4) a number of books that are helpful to the work and life of the book, which are insufficient in all respects.
第1个回答  2013-09-11
At first I would like to apply for military schools, but because of health and family reasons, not to achieve, then the retention of legal professionals, as has been the occupations of all I would like the Public Security, the purpose of choosing this profession is to through other channels to achieve their own aspirations and dreams. So, I set goals for their three, the first is when the police or the police after graduation like; the second is when the judges; third option is to test the civil service.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2021-12-19
第3个回答  2013-09-11
I like helping people and thus this is an important factor that help me to decide and determine my future career. MIy first preference is become a doctor. This is not only a respectable occupation as doctor can save lives but also this will enrich me with a sense of accomplishment. However, if I cannot make into the medical profession, I would like to fulfill my dream in another career- become a teacher. Similar of being a doctor, teacher services people and providing them a good life by giving them a good education. Thus, becoming a teacher will also help me enrich my own sense of accomplishment through helping others. Because afterall, students will need a good teacher who can teach them the knowledge in a concise and understandable manner (through their dialogue). My future career plan provide me a clear direction to where I want to go, a path that will ultimately determine my life and happiness.