根据下列句子写英语短文。【第一段】我喜欢爬山,排球和游泳 2.和我喜欢的运动是足球 3.我认为踢足球使我

身体强 壮4.放学后,我总是和我的朋友去踢足球 5.去年我加入了我们学校的足球队 6.我们学校经常和别的学校足球队进行比赛 7.当我们赢得比赛的时候,我们很开心 【第二段】1.贝克汉姆是我最喜欢的足球运动员 2.我认为他很帅,也很棒 3.当我长大了我想成为向他一样的足球明星 4.那是我的梦想【要初二水平的。拜托各位大神。急急急】

I like climbing the hill ,playing volleyball and swimming.I think that playing football can make me be strong ,which is the sport I love.I often playfootball with my friends after school.last year, I took part in the school football team.Our school always play football games with other schools . We are so happy when we win the game .
Beckham is my favorite football player .I think he is a good player and so handsome , I realiyt want to be a star like him when I grow up. This's my dream.
第1个回答  2013-09-13
Doing exercises are great for us , I like climbing ,volleyball and swimming ,I really love football , I'm sure that playing football can make me strong , I always play games with my friends and I took part in the team of our school, I'm glad for the winning of us. Football star Beckham is my favorite player, He is a good player and he is handsome , I just want to be a star like him , That's my dream.
第2个回答  2013-09-13