
32.There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather.

A. 玛利有可能到了上海,不过这是天气决定的。

B. 天气将决定玛利是否去上海。

C. 玛利有可能去上海,但要取决于天气。


33.Sometimes we take some food with us, but there are other times when we buy food when we’re there.

A. 有时我们带些食物,但另外的几次我们没在那儿买。

B. 有时我们带些食物,但有时我们到那儿时再买。

C. 我们有时随身带些食物,但其他时候我们都在那儿买。

D. 我们有时不带食物,而到那里去买。

34.I have no desire to see you lose your confidence.

A. 我没有渴望看见你失去信心。

B. 我不想失去对你的信任。

C. 我没有愿望看到你失去对我的信任。

D. 我不愿意看到你失去信心。

35.On dial-direct calls, you’ll be cut off at the end of the time you paid for unless you put more money in the slot(机器)。

A. 你打直拨电话时,除非你往机器里多放钱,否则交费时间结束电话自动断开。

B. 你打直拨电话时,你的电话会被掐段,除非你往机器里面放比以前更多的钱。

C. 你打直拨电话时,你可以往机器里多放钱来付费,最后再挂断电话。

D. 你打直拨电话时,你可以在结束电话时往机器里多放钱来付费。


A. In the past several months, we have successfully increased our productivity.

B. We have succeeded in speeding up our production rates in the last few months.

C. In the last several months, we have speeded up our production rates.

D. We have increased our production rates in the last few months.


A. As I suspected, he has got across interview successfully.

B. He has, as I suspected, passed the interview successfully.

C. He has, as I think, passed the interview successfully.

D. He has got through interview like I guess successfully.

38.大卫和玛丽一样, 是刚从大学毕业不久的学生.

A. David looks like Mary; they graduated from the university not long ago.

B. David graduated from the university short time ago like Mary.

C. David graduated from the university not long ago as Mary did.

D. David and Mary are same, because they graduated from the university.


A. More and more clear, the city’s air pollution is becoming more and more serious.

B. It is easy to see that the air pollution of this city is becoming serious.

C. It has been made increasingly clear that the air pollution in this city is becoming more and more serious.

D. The air pollution of the city is becoming easy to see that more and more serious.


A. Can you sure to return me the computer without breaking it?

B. Can you assure to give me the good computer back?

C. Do you able to promise me that you can return the unbroken computer back to me?

D. Can you promise to return me the computer in good condition?

32.There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather.
A. 玛利有可能到了上海,不过这是天气决定的。

B. 天气将决定玛利是否去上海。

√ C. 玛利有可能去上海,但要取决于天气。


33.Sometimes we take some food with us, but there are other times when we buy food when we’re there.

A. 有时我们带些食物,但另外的几次我们没在那儿买。

√ B. 有时我们带些食物,但有时我们到那儿时再买。

C. 我们有时随身带些食物,但其他时候我们都在那儿买。

D. 我们有时不带食物,而到那里去买。

34.I have no desire to see you lose your confidence.

A. 我没有渴望看见你失去信心。

B. 我不想失去对你的信任。

C. 我没有愿望看到你失去对我的信任。

√ D. 我不愿意看到你失去信心。

35.On dial-direct calls, you’ll be cut off at the end of the time you paid for unless you put more money in the slot(机器)。

√ A. 你打直拨电话时,除非你往机器里多放钱,否则交费时间结束电话自动断开。

B. 你打直拨电话时,你的电话会被掐段,除非你往机器里面放比以前更多的钱。

C. 你打直拨电话时,你可以往机器里多放钱来付费,最后再挂断电话。

D. 你打直拨电话时,你可以在结束电话时往机器里多放钱来付费。


√ A. In the past several months, we have successfully increased our productivity.

B. We have succeeded in speeding up our production rates in the last few months.

C. In the last several months, we have speeded up our production rates.

D. We have increased our production rates in the last few months.


A. As I suspected, he has got across interview successfully.

√ B. He has, as I suspected, passed the interview successfully.

C. He has, as I think, passed the interview successfully.

D. He has got through interview like I guess successfully.

38.大卫和玛丽一样, 是刚从大学毕业不久的学生.

A. David looks like Mary; they graduated from the university not long ago.

B. David graduated from the university short time ago like Mary.

√ C. David graduated from the university not long ago as Mary did.

D. David and Mary are same, because they graduated from the university.


√ A. More and more clear, the city’s air pollution is becoming more and more serious.

B. It is easy to see that the air pollution of this city is becoming serious.

C. It has been made increasingly clear that the air pollution in this city is becoming more and more serious.

D. The air pollution of the city is becoming easy to see that more and more serious.


A. Can you sure to return me the computer without breaking it?

B. Can you assure to give me the good computer back?

C. Do you able to promise me that you can return the unbroken computer back to me?

√ D. Can you promise to return me the computer in good condition?