求动词+to sb sth句型


announce to sb. sth. (=announce sth. to sb.)向某人宣布某事
express to sb. sth.(=express sth. to sb.)向某人表达某事
explain to sb. sth. (=explain sth. to sb.)向某人解释某事
mention to sb. sth. (=mention sth. to sb. )向某人提起某事
report to sb. sth. (=report sth. to sb.)向某人报告某事
retell to sb. sth.(=retell sth. to sb.)向某人复述某事
suggest to sb. sth. (=suggest sth. to sb.) 向某人建议某事
admit to sb. sth. (=admit sth. to sb.) 向某人承认某事
drink to sb. sth. (=drink sth. to sb.)为某人的某事干杯
introduce to sb sth(=introduce sth to sb) 把某某介绍给某人
describe to sb sth(=describe sth to sb)向某人描述某物

repeat to sb sth (=repeat sth to sb)向某人重复某事
communicate to sb sth(=communicate sth to sb)向某人讲清某事
第1个回答  2013-10-04
announce to sb sth 这个是可以的 望采纳追问



好的 我再给你想一下 稍等啊
send to sb sth
suggest to sb sth
…………我也不太清楚了 希望能帮到你 采纳不采纳无所谓

第2个回答  2013-10-04
I will buy you a sandwich我给你买个三明治吧

希望能够帮到你 :D追问

是加to sb sth


I will move to her house?
