

turn against 变得敌对
turn down 拒绝;调低音量 第33期
be of benefit to ... 对„„有利 be beneficial to sb/sth 对„„有利 be beneficial to do sth 做某事有好处
therefore = for this reason = as a result 因此
be/feel content to do sth = be/feel content with sth 对„„满足 content oneself with sth 使某人自己满足 feed sb/sth up 养肥 feed on sth 以„„为食 rely on 依赖;依靠 rely on sb/sth
rely on … to do sth rely on … doing sth
pull up 使(车等)停下来 pull in (车)进站
pull out (车、船)驶出;从某处离开 pull over 靠向路边 pull through 康复
Give it a shot! 试试看! 第34期
the amount of + 不可数 „„的数量 an amount of + 不可数 一些„„ the number of + 可数 „„的数量 a number of + 可数 一些„„ be occupied 有事,正在忙
be occupied in/with sth 忙于做某事 so far 到目前为止 take place 发生;举行 go up to (by) 上升;上涨 go down to (by) 下降
no-brainer 不必花脑筋的食物 Oh, boy! 真是! 第35期
allow doing sth allow sth allow sb sth
allow sb to do sth

sb is allowed to do sth allow for 考虑;顾及 on (the) average 平均而言
above/below (the) average 高于/低于平均数 rather than 而不是 other than 除了
benefit from sth/doing sth 得益于„„ of great benefit 有很大好处的 = beneficial get stuck in 陷入;困于
get away from 从„„离开/逃脱 go up to 上涨到
work out 想出;弄懂 all set 都准备妥当了 第36期
jazz (sth) up 让(„„)变得有趣些 必修四 第37期
motivate sb to do sth 促使某人做某事 hard work 辛勤的劳动 heavy work 重体力劳动
be aware of/be aware+从句 意识到„„ out of question 没问题 out of luck 不走运
out of work = lose one’s job = be unemployed 反义 in work give away 赠送;分发;泄露;暴露 give off 放出;散发
give out 发出;分发;公布 drop out 退出;退学
drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人
drop in at some place 顺便拜访某地 be indifferent to sb 对某人冷淡 have a cow 非常生气 Duh! 废话!
on the nose (时间的)整点:It’s six pm on the nose .(晚上六点整) Way to go ! 干得好!加油!(继续保持) 第38期
remove from 移开;挪走 behave oneself 表现得体

well-behaved 表现好的
of advanced age = advanced in years 高龄的 in advance 预先;事先 in focus 焦点对准的
out of focus 焦点没对准的
focus ... on ... 把„„集中在„„上 appeal to 吸引„„
appeal to sb for sth 为某事呼吁;恳请某人 lose one’s appeal 失去吸引力
keep the balance of 保持„„的平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡
on balance (两者相抵后)总的来说 what is worse 更糟糕的
what is more 而且;更重要的是 = besides = in addition = moreover =furthermore
agree to + do sth 或计划、安排 agree on 对„„意见一致 第39期
bargain with sb about/over… 与某人就„„讨价还价 at a discount 打折
as far as I am concerned 就我而言;在我看来
as/so far as sb is concerned = in one’s opinion 就某人而言 sb be concerned about/for … 某人担心/关心
sth be concerned with sth = sth be about sth 与„„有关;涉及„„ be determined to do sth 下定决心要做某事
determine to do 或 determine on sth 决定做某事/决定某事 kick back 放松休息 第40期
in demand for 需要„„
be delighted to do sth 愉快做某事 be delighted + that 从句
take delight in 喜欢干某事;从„„中取乐 to one’s delight 使某人高兴的是 blame sb/sth 责怪 blame sb for sth 责怪 blame sth on sb 责怪
be to blame 是„„的责任
put/lay the blame on 把责任归咎于„„

take/bear the blame 承担责任 stand for 代表;表示 not stand for 不容忍 in favour of 支持;赞同
in one’s favor / in the favor of sb 对某人有利 do sb a favor 帮某人的忙
blow sb/sth away 棒极了 例句: His work will really blow you away 他的作品真是棒极了 fill in 替补
be certain to do sth 确信 be certain + that 从句 be certain of /about sth
be suitable for 适合(某人或某事) approach 方式方法(常与to 连用): an approach to the problem be loaded with 装满了„„
consist of 由„„组成(要注意与“insist on 坚持” 的区别哦!!) stand out 突出;显著
stand for 代表;支持;容忍 as long as 只要„„
as far as I know 据我所知 第42期丢了还是没发。。。。。。无视掉。。。。。。 第43期
owe sb sth 欠 owe sth to sb 欠
owing to = due to 由于;因为 burst into laughter 突然大笑起来 a burst of laughter 一阵笑声 with laughter 带着笑声 laugh at 嘲笑
smile at 向„„微笑
in the manner of sb 以某人的方式 in a … manner 以„„方式 in a manner 在某种程度上 make a request 提出要求
at the request of 应„„的请求

in great request = in great demand 非常需要
request sb to do sth/request that sb should do sth 要求某人做某事 request sth of /from sb 像某人索取、要求得到某物 drop off 减少;让(某人)下车;睡着 in the driver’s seat 掌有控制权 第44期
in a whisper 私语 in whispers 私语
do damage to sth/sb 破坏某物
insist on doing 坚持要求(做某事) see ... off 给„„送行 the moment „„的时候 第45期
by nature 天生地;本性地 on the contrary 相反地 to be exact 准确地说 to the contray 相反的 in … manner 以„„方式 good manners 有礼貌 bad manners 没有礼貌
owe sb some money = owe some money to sb 欠债 request (that) sb (should) do sth a request for sth 要求得到
at the request of sb 应„„的请求 on request 如果有要求