our math teacher 作文


Our Math Teacher

“Oh, my Gosh, I’ll die. My math grade is so bad again!” “Why are the tests he has for us always so hard?” when you hear such kind of sentences in our class, you should know that we’ve had math test again. And the test our math teacher wrote or found for us is so difficult. Our math teacher is Mr. He, of medium height with a pair of glasses. What you guessed is right. Mr. He is very strict with us, and also he is strict at his work. He prepares every lesson carefully. He corrects our homework and test papers carefully, too. He can’t put up with even one small mistake that we shouldn’t make. So he is famous for his strictness and carefulness among the students. But gradually, we found that he is also kind and cares about us. He cares about our health. He cares about our future. He taught us how to be a good person, and how to respect others. He persuaded us to study hard so that we can go to a wonderful university, so that we can live a better life. He is not only careful and kind, but also knowledgeable and humorous. It was his knowledge that surprised me most. Also, in his class, his humorous words make us laugh. This term, we’re going to say goodbye to him, but he will always be in my mind. He is really an excellent math teacher.追答

Our math teacher is Miss Li. She is in her thirties. She is tall and thin.She is kind and friendly. She is strict with us. Her class is very interesting. She often helps us after class. We all lke her.


Our math teather is good man.He has short black hair and he is very handsome.When someone is in trouble,he always help him.He has a warm heart.Everyone who has math's problem can be easily solved by him.his class is very humorous and easy understanded.No one desire my respect more than our math teacher.I love him. 

第1个回答  2014-12-07

