

Boys and girls, how to read in English?
1. Boy's Pronunciation
- British Pronunciation: [bɒɪ]
- American Pronunciation: [bɔɪ]
- Definitions: A young male; a man.
- Common Phrases:
- Pretty boy: A handsome young man.
- New boy: A newcomer; someone new to a situation.
- Golden boy: A successful man; often used to describe someone who has achieved much.
- Office boy: An assistant in an office; a young worker.
2. Girl's Pronunciation
- British Pronunciation: [gɜːl]
- American Pronunciation: [ɡɝl]
- Definitions: A young female; an unmarried woman; a female student, office worker, or actress; a girlfriend.
- Common Phrases:
- Cute girl: A charming young woman.
- Shy girl: A reserved or timid young woman.
- School girl: A female student in elementary or secondary school.
- Sweet girl: A kind and gentle young woman.
- Cover girl: A model featured on the cover of a magazine.
- Example Sentence: "Boys and girls alike enjoy new toys, which bring them great joy."
Additional Usage of "Boy":
- 1. "Boy" refers to a young male, typically under the age of eighteen, and is a countable noun.
- 2. When used to mean "son," "boy" can describe males of any age and can be modified by "little," "old," and other such adjectives.
- 3. "Boy" used colloquially to mean "man" or "fellow," but its use in formal contexts is discouraged.
- 4. In slang, "boy" can be used as a term for a "boyfriend."
- 5. When used in conjunction with "girl," it is typically said as "boys and girls."