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In contemporary society, as China's sustained and rapid economic development and speed up the process of urbanization, the movement of labor is a huge scale, which has been on the residents of the structure of the family had a great impact. In particular, in China's rural areas, most of the Jingzhuang labor have been working on, and the remaining are Laoruobingcan. The elderly at home alone every year the number of rural families, the elderly pension has brought great difficulties to enable rural empty nest needs of the livelihood of the elderly can not be met. This has become a worthy of the whole society to give more attention to social groups. This paper in the field investigation on the basis of economic support, daily care, comfort the spirit of the three aspects of the rural elderly pension empty nest means to ensure the achievement of an analysis that the elderly in rural areas empty nest be reflected in more old-age security pension and neighbourhood in the family帮助. The social security system in urban and rural areas vary greatly and the elderly in rural areas have little access to protection under the premise of its members in the pension issue to seek more support for family and the neighbourhood, such as helping and supporting the protection of non-institutionalized standardized way, and Ways , The existence of their children because of gender, children, place of work, whether widowed caused by different factors such as differences in the care of the problem.
This article also discussed the rural village as a unit in the nursing homes in the rural elderly empty nest in old-age security, pension and that this method has great possibility, in the rural old-age home empty nest can accomplish a great deal on the issue, subject to Government The guidance department to mobilize the necessary financial resources and support.