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here are many differences between China and the USA in the way of life.These differences performance in all aspects.Breakfast, For example,breakfast, the Chinese and Americans have many differences.

Chinese breakfast often consists of rice and small amounts of vegetables, meat or fish. But in the USA people like to eat some eggs and toast.In China we like eat rice porridge or soybean milk in the breakfast.However, as far as I know, the Americans like drink coffee, milk or some fruit juice in the breakfast.In China,people like deep fried food much,like Oil Strips("you tiao", in China), what is long, deep fried strips of dough is similar to a doughnut. They can be sweet or salty, but in my opinion, Americans seems not like them.Americans prefer to eat some simple food, like bread, eggs, ham or to buy McDonald's hamburgers,in the morning.

Traditionally, Chinese people like to eat their own breakfast at home.However, in many large cities, with the accelerating pace of life, more and more people are prefer to eat breakfast outside.The Chinese people buy "bao zi" and soybean milk to eat in the morning is just like the American people buy coffee in Starbucks and buy hamburgs in McDonald's. In China,people do not read the newspapers during the breakfast, but in American,people always read the newspapers when they eat the breakfast.
第1个回答  2008-06-14
Breakfast Around the World
By Juliann Schaeffer
Today’s Dietitian
Vol. 9 No. 12 P. 32

They will not eat it on a train, they will not eat it on a plane; but Brazilians like their bread and jam, sometimes even with cheese and ham. Find out what else is on the morning menu in Brazil and other countries around the globe.

American breakfast

Poached eggs, pancakes … and pizza—American breakfast foods are anything but predictable. “I don’t believe there is what we call ‘typical’ American breakfast foods. It can range from a muffin to a piece of leftover pizza,” says Elena Paravantes, RD, food and nutrition editor for the Greek editions of Men’s Health and Prevention magazines and Greece country representative for the American Overseas Dietetic Association (AODA).

Laura Zubrod, MS, RD, LD, a U.S. AODA country representative, agrees: “A typical breakfast in America is anything but typical. It could occur in the home, in the car, or in the office. Just about anything goes when it comes to breakfast in the United States—from skipping breakfast to last night’s cold pizza to McDonald’s drive-thru. America’s breakfast plate can be quite diverse.

“That diversity is also present in the varied breakfast menus,” she continues, “which can vary from a heavy sit-down meal, prepackaged foods eaten on the run, or skipping breakfast altogether in some cases.”

However, Paravantes notes the following selections seem to be most popular in the U.S. morning routine: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, cereal, cereal bars, juice, fruit, doughnuts, muffins, toast, English muffins, bagels, French toast, cream cheese, jam, butter, peanut butter, coffee, tea, and smoothies.

Zubrod breaks the American breakfast into two categories: weekday and weekend options. “Traditional foods for the weekday breakfast might include cereal with milk, oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, toast or English muffins topped with margarine and jelly, bagels with cream cheese, muffins, Pop Tarts, yogurt, and fruit such as bananas or berries.

“Weekends bring more traditional and heavier breakfast fare,” she says, “such as eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, pancakes, waffles, French toast, biscuits and gravy, and sectioned grapefruit halves,” noting that breakfast beverages of choice include fruit juices, coffee, and tea.

She also notes that, in addition to lunch and dinner, Americans are bringing fast food’s convenience to the breakfast table: “Americans are eating out more than ever before, and that includes the breakfast meal. Whether it’s a stop at the local drive-thru window or grabbing foods from home to eat in the car or at the office, America is on the run.”

Zubrod illustrates some fast-food varieties that many Americans may be substituting for their all-important first meal of the day: “The typical fast-food restaurant breakfast menu includes the breakfast sandwich, consisting of a croissant, biscuit, bagel, or English muffin topped with egg, cheese, and meat (ham, bacon, or sausage). Other menu staples are breakfast burritos, French toast sticks, pancakes, tater tots, and hash brown patties or cakes.”

Scrambled eggs, scrapple, or simply coffee—most Americans are generally well versed in how essential this morning meal truly is. But just how normal is the United States’ breakfast when compared with the rest of the world? Take your mind for a stroll to find out how the American meal rates in the grand scheme of ham and eggs gone global.

Hong Kong
“When East meets West, Hong Kong gets more varieties of breakfast,” says Charmain Tan, RD, Hong Kong AODA country representative. With Western styles of eating creeping into the country’s traditional culture, Tan says two distinct breakfast styles are emerging.

The older generation “maintains the Chinese traditional routine by visiting a tea house ‘Yum Cha’ every morning,” Tan says, noting that most people go alone or with their spouse. There, people typically order one or two dim sums with a pot of Chinese tea, generally with free refills. Dim sum is Chinese cuisine that can involve a wide range of light dishes and is usually served in a small bamboo steamer basket or on a small plate.

“On Sundays, these tea houses are packed with families of three generations,” she says, noting that it was common practice for people to read a newspaper or smoke during breakfast. However, “As of January 1, the Hong Kong government has banned smoking in all restaurants, so now restaurants are being enjoyed by even small infants who used to stay at home due to the smoke,” Tan says.

The younger generation, which typically includes workers on the go at breakfast time, may grab a bun with a filling inside from a Chinese bread shop with a box of soy milk or juice drinks. “Or others will have Westernlike fruit muffins or croissants with coffee,” Tan says. “Young children will have a cup of milk or soy milk before leaving home and continue having their breakfast snacks at recess time,” which may include an egg, sandwich, fish ball, or siu mei.

Much like an American coffee shop, Tan also describes “cha chun tien,” a restaurant where a set breakfast is served, including ham and eggs, toast, and milk tea for a light breakfast—or beef steak, pork chop, egg, instant noodles, toast, and milk, tea, or coffee for a heavier meal. And, of course, says Tan, “We also have lots of McDonald’s chains, and its breakfast is especially popular on weekends.”


第2个回答  2008-06-14

初次见面,当然是要握手寒暄。这个寒暄,在英语里就叫small talk。寒暄的目的,就是为了打破僵局(Break the ice),让双方增进了解,寻找共同话题。但是和其他地方的人一样,美国人也有友好的,不友好的,有乐意和你多聊聊的,有正烦着,不想多谈的。因此,学会从对方的回答中看出他/她的友好程度,才能知进知退,百战不殆。



正式头衔一般只用于法官、军管、医生、教授、宗教界领袖等人物 。尤其是行政职务。美国人从来不以此来称呼,如***局长、***经理.美国海关的人员总把"请;和"谢谢;挂在嘴上,请你打开箱子、请你把护照拿出来、检查完毕时,还会说;祝你旅途愉快;或;今天天气真好;等客套话。




准时守信,相当重要.。美国商人喜欢表现自己的"不正式、随和、与幽默感。能在经常说几句笑话的人 ,往往易为对方接受。美国商界流行早餐与午餐约会谈判。当你答应参加对方举办的宴会时,一定要准时赴宴,如果因特殊情况不能准时赴约,一定要打电话通知主人,并说明理由,或者告诉主人什么时间可以去。赴宴时,当女士步入客厅时,男士应该站起来,直到女士找到了位子你才可坐下。美国人在招待客人时,大多用焙牛肉、焙鸡肉,因为这些菜式受一般美国人欢迎,既方便又实惠。只要另配上一二种蔬菜、芋类及谷类,如果准备点饭后甜点,就算是大餐了。汉堡包是美国人日常食用的食品,按规定,汉堡包牛肉未脂肪含量不得超过30%.






