








27.They held a party in memory of the old man’s retirement.
=They held a party in order to __________________ the old man’s retirement.
28.I don’t care even if you go fasting. You won’t __________________ me into promising you anything extra. 29.Droughts & floods occur by turns almost every year, cutting the harvest in large amounts, & as a result, __________________ millions of people.
30.__________________ of capitals & natural resources, plenty of African countries are __________________ for international assistance.
31.The belief __________________ God helps those who help themselves didn’t ever convince him, who was always waiting for warm hearts.
32.Please call me __________________ arrival to relieve me from worries about your trip. 33.I do envy you your success. = I do __________________ you for your success. 34.He won a gold medal. = He was __________________ a gold medal.
35.He refused any spiritual encouragement, praise, for example. Is he likely to be content with such material ____________________ as prizes & rewards? God knows!
36.Guess how hard it was for me to look forward to ____________________ from you! As the letter I had been looking forward to __________________ (turn up) in my hand, tears didn’t wait to drop down my face. 三重点句型:
37.Sometimes celebrations __________________ be held after hunters had caught animals.

38.Some festivals are held to honor the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, __________________ might return either to help or to do harm.
39. For the Japanese festival Obon, people __________________ go to clean graves & light incense in memory of their ancestors.
40. They also light lamps & play music because they think this __________________ lead the ancestors back to earth.
41. If the neighbors do not give any sweets, the children __________________ play a trick on them.
42. Hu Jin didn’t turn up. She __________________ be with her friends right now laughing at h

42. Hu Jin didn’t turn up. She __________________ be with her friends right now laughing at him.
43. It was obvious __________________ the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave—he wiped the table, then sat down & turned on the TV—just __________________ Li Fang needed!
44. Li Fang thought, “I’ll just throw these flowers & chocolates away. I don’t want them to remind me of her.” __________________ he did.
45. As Li Fang sadly passed the tea shop __________________ the corner __________________ his way home, he heard a voice __________________ him. __________________ was Hu Jin waving at him.
参考答案:1. take place, 2. in memory of, 3. dress up, 4. play a trick on, 5. look forward to, 6. day & night, 7. as if, 8. have a good time, 9. keep one’s word, 10. hold one’s breath, 11. set off, 12. remind … of …, 13. satisfy the ancestors, 14. win an award, 15. turn up, 16. religious beliefs, 17. gain the independence, 18. be married to …, 19. do harm to …/ be harmful to …, 20. the Spring Festival, 21. be proud of …, 22. starve to death, 23. a parking lot, 24. hear about …/ hear of …, 25. after work, 26. without permission, 27. celebrate, 28. starve, 29. starving, 30. Starved, starving, 31. that, 32. on, 33. admire, 34. awarded, 35. awards, 36. hearing, turned up, 37. would, 37. who, 39. should, 40. will, 41. might, 42. could, 43. that, what, 44. so, 45. on, on, there.






第1个回答  2015-08-13

1, take place

2, in memory of

3, dress up

4, play a trick on

5, look forward to

6, day and night

7,as though

8, have fun with

9, keep one‘s word

10, hold one’s breath

11, set off
12, remind. ..of...
13, get away with
14, tell a lie
15, win...back
16, earn one‘s living
17, before long
18, put on weight
19, bring up
20, go ahead

