

篇一:给朋友的一封信 A Letter to a Friend Dear Robert, 亲爱的罗伯特: I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I w
第1个回答  2015-06-23
dear ***,
how is it going ?
i feel
bad this days.i got myself in a lot of trubles.i lost my cellphone ,my
parents got angry about this.and for my poor grades,they refuse to by me
another one.
yesterday,i had a fight with my
classmate,because he broke my new bag that my grandma gave me on my
birthday.i was angry,and lost my temper,but i regret now.i know he did
it by accident.now all of my classmates hate me,i really don't know what
to do.
i hope you can give me some advice.
best wishes.

第2个回答  2020-08-30
第3个回答  2019-04-14