口语考试题目: Topic 6

Lifestyle of College Students Please create a dialogue (about 3mins): Situation: A is doing a survey on the lifestyle of college students. He is interviewing B about studies, entertainments, sports, eating habits, daily spending, social activities, monthly budget and hobbies etc

A survey on the lifestyle of college students

Interviewer: Hi, thank you for your time and accepting my interview.
student A: You are most welcome, and what would you like to ask me about?
Interviewer: Very simple questions.
student A: About what?
Interviewer: Just your daily routine and other related university life.
student A: Oh, That's easy, I am all ready for you.
Interviewer: Thanks, now, let's start, shall we?
student A: Fire away, I am all yours!
Interviewer: I must say that I really like your character. Are you studying drama or something?
student A: No, why?
Interviewer: Because you are a good actor. Smooth talking and not shy.
student A: Thanks a lot, Think may be I will change the subject of my study now.
Interviewer: Well, anyway, here comes the first question.What do you study then?
student A: I study XXXX.
Interviewer: How much time do you spend on your study?
student A: Apart from attending classes, I spend a couple of hours in the uni's library and study another two hour in my room a day. The rest is my leisure time if I still have any left and not tired.
Interviewer: So, when you do have time to spare then what entertainments do you have?
student A: Usually hang out with my room mate and few other students staying next to us.
Interviewer: What exactly the activities do you do for hanging out, if you don't mind me me asking?
student A: We sometimes go out for a drink, but never get drunk, for we can't afford to drink too much anyway. And sometimes, we might watch a movie when we still have spare money to buy the tickets.
Interviewer: What sport do you do or do you do any sport at all?
student A: I am not good with sport but I do jog regularly every morning before class though.
Interviewer: What is your eating habbit? Do you cook or eating out or others?
student A: Eating out? Do you think my parents are millionaire or something? Of course I cook for myself.
Interviewer: Sorry, the next question would be more sensitive. You don't have to answer me if you don't want to.
Student A: What about?
Interviewer: It's about your daily spending.
Student A: It's fine. I can and I will answer it for you.
Interviewer: Thank you, well then what is your daily allowance for spending then?
Student A: I have already told you that I am not from a rich family, so my resource is quite limited. I must watch out for how I spend my money, which is not a lot. even less after buying my daily food, but at least I won't go hungry. That's all I can tell you.
Interviewer: That's fine. I didn't expect to get an answer from this question anyway.
Student A: What else would to like to know about me?
Interviewer: The next things is that what kind of social activities are you involving with?
Student A: If I tell you, You might laugh. It the uni's drama group. I am a member of that. Actually we have a show tonight. You can stay and watch us (me) perform if you you like.
Interviewer: I would love to but I have a deadline to meet and must make my way back to town, but thank all the same, perhaps next time.
Student A: OK, that's you lost!
Interviewer: Next question is about your monthly budget. Do you care to answer me that?
Student A: Well, since my uni fee has already been paid for by my parents, The annual living is also handed over to me in full by my parents, so I must carefully budget and strictly divide my spending money into twelve equal parts and never touch another during the month. So sometimes it can be very tight, but some how I manage. Sorry no actual figures again.
Interviewer: That's quite all right. I am getting much more than i was expecting anyway.
Student A: Would it be all now?
Interviewer: No, one final question, what is your hobby?
Student A: Since most hobbies need money, so I guest my hobby is reading with my spare time when there is no one to hung out with.
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. You are more than help to me.
Student A: You are very welcome. Are you sure that you won't stay to watch me perform later?
Interviewer: Sorry, Have to dash now, bye, thanks one more time and wish you all the success with your studies.
第1个回答  2012-06-13