
新年快乐!但是我过的并不是很快乐.吃坏了东西,拉肚子了...你呢?听说纽约有很多庆祝活动, 你参加了吗???代我向所有人问好...
还有一些结束语 格式之类的```谢谢```

Happy New Year! But I didn't have a good time since I had loose bowels. How about you? It is said that there were a lot of celebration activities in New York. Did you attend? Remember me to all.

Just sign off. Drop you a line when I am free.

Best regards,

第1个回答  2008-01-03
Happy New Year! But I didn't have a good time since I had loose bowels. How about you? It is said that there were a lot of celebration activities in New York. Did you attend? Remember me to all.

Just sign off. Drop you a line when I am free.

Best regards,

Thants 或 Thank you.
第2个回答  2008-01-03
Happy New Year! However, I have not very happy. Eat bad things, diarrhea ... you? Heard that there are many celebrations in New York, do you participate in?? Hello to all my behalf ...
First time in this bar ... write ...

Thank you.

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