


The French fries are as follows:


(Wash and peel the potatoes and cut them into strips and soak them in water. Don't be too thin, otherwise the taste is not good.)


(Add a spoonful of salt to the water and soak for about half an hour.


(Cook the chips in a pot, and pay attention to the slight discoloration. Do not boil them.)


(Remove it and dry it, and coat it with a thin layer of starch.)


(When the oil is heated to 80% heat, add the potato chips wrapped in flour. Don't put too much in the pot, because too much will stick together.

Turn it gently to heat it evenly and keep the oil temperature.)


(About 4 to 5 minutes, when the color of potato chips turns golden, you can pull out the pot.)


(Reheat the oil in the pan and fry it again when the temperature is 8% hot. Remove the potato chips when they are golden.)


(Sprinkle a small amount of salt on the potato chips and stir evenly, then finish the fries.)



第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-22
1、peel the potato and wash it clean 土豆削皮并洗净;
2、cut the peeled potato into strips 把削过皮的土豆切成条状;
3、pour adequate oil into the pot and heat it to boiling 锅里加入足量的油烧至滚开;
4、put the potato strips into the boiling oil and fry them until turning into golden colour. 把薯条投入油锅炸至金黄色捞出;
5、put the fried potato strips into the oil the second time till them crisp. 把薯条投入油锅复炸,直至酥脆。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-05-11

Potato one. Peel the potatoes and wash them. Cut into strips. Put in water. Put the sliced potatoes into the boiling water. Cook for 3 minutes. Remove and drain water cool. The water can dry kitchen paper. And then put it in the freezer. (be sure to kill the water, otherwise will bear small slander ballast. The fridge before) After freezing and hard to eat with fried. Put the right amount of oil into the pan, heat it up to 6 and put it in a frozen French fries. Deep fry golden brown remove and drain. Sprinkle a little salt, dip tomato sauce.