

Obesity is the accumulation of excess body fat caused by the phenomenon, not seen as "healthy" logo. Obesity not only affects the physical beauty, but also to the inconvenience of life, more importantly, is likely to cause a variety of complications, accelerated aging and death. No wonder people say that obesity is a precursor to the disease, signs of aging.

First, it is the enemy of health and longevity

According to statistics, obesity incidence of cerebral embolism and heart failure than normal weight doubled, to more than twice the risk of coronary heart disease than normal weight, the incidence of hypertension than normal-weight two to six times more than those with diabetes increased about four times normal, cholelithiasis were higher than normal four - six times more serious is obesity life can be significantly reduced. It is reported that 10 percent of overweight 45-year-old man, whose life than normal-weight to shorten the four-year, with Japan standard mortality statistics show that the percentage of 100%, obesity mortality rate was 127.9%.

Second, the impact of labor and vulnerable to injury

Obese people tend to heat intolerance, sweating, fatigue, lower extremity edema, varicose veins, skin folds suffering from dermatitis, severely obese people, slow, difficult walking activity has little activity flustered shortness of breath, which affects normal life, serious and even lead to loss of labor. Because obesity action slow response, but also vulnerable to a variety of injuries, car accidents, fractures and sprains and so on.

Third, prone to coronary heart disease and hypertension

Obese adipose tissue increases, oxygen consumption increased cardiac work capacity, myocardial hypertrophy, in particular left ventricular burden, a long time easy to induce hypertension. Lipid deposition in the arterial wall, resulting in luminal narrowing, hardening, easy to coronary heart disease, angina, stroke, and sudden death.

Fourth, the susceptibility to endocrine and metabolic diseases

With the obesity caused by metabolic, endocrine abnormalities, and often can cause a variety of diseases. Diabetes can cause abnormal glucose metabolism, fat metabolism can cause hyperlipidemia, nucleic acid metabolism can cause hyperuricemia. Obese women due to ovarian dysfunction may cause menstrual irregularities.

Fifth, have adverse effects on lung function

Lung function is to supply oxygen to the body and expel carbon dioxide. Obesity due to weight gain requires more oxygen, but not the attendant increase in lung function, while the accumulation of abdominal fat and obesity restrict respiratory movement of the lung, it can cause hypoxia and difficulty in breathing, leading to heart and lung failure.

Six easy to cause liver and gallbladder disease

Because obesity hyperinsulinemia make endogenous triglyceride synthesis hyperthyroidism, it will result in the accumulation of triglycerides synthesized in the liver and thus the formation of fatty liver. Obese compared with normal bile acid cholesterol levels increased more than the bile solubility, so obese easily with a high proportion of cholesterol gallstones, gallstones has been reported suffering from 50 to 80% of women are obese. At the time of surgery, about the height of obesity associated with about 30% of gallstones. Cholelithiasis in the following cases the onset of many: obese women, aged over 40, compared to the incidence of gallstones in obese women with normal weight were about six times higher.

Seven, will increase the difficulty of surgery, postoperative infection

Obesity increases the risk of anesthesia and post-operative wound dehiscence easily infected fall chance product of pneumonia complications than those who do not as much fat.

Eight, can cause joint disease

Weight gain can make many joints (such as the spine, shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle joints) wear or tear caused pain.

Nine concurrent hernia

Obesity may be complicated by a number of hernia, in which the upper part of the stomach to the chest translocation of hiatal hernia is the most common
第1个回答  2016-03-20
Top Ten Reasons People Are Fat
The Washington Post points us to a report in the International Journal of Obesity whose authors looked at more than 100 studies on potential contributors to obesity, besides diet and exercise, The experts concluded that there was at least some scientific support for the following ten reasons:1. Inadequate sleep. (Average sleep amounts have fallen, and many studies tie sleep deprivation to weight gain.)
2. endocrine disruptors, which are substances in some foods that may alter fats in the body.
3. Nice temperatures. (Air conditioning and heating limit calories burned from sweating and shivering.)
4. Fewer people smoking. (Less appetite supression.)
5. Medicines that cause weight gain.
6. Population changes. (more middle-agers and Hispanics, who have higher obesity rates.)
7. Older birth moms. (That correlates with heavier children).
8. Genetic influences during pregnancy.
9. Darwinian natural selection. (Fat people outsurvive skinny ones).
10. Assortative mating, or "like mating with like," as Allison puts it. Translation: fat people procreating with others of the same body type, gradually skewing the population toward the heavy end.
  Despite the way it feels, losing weight isn't a mysterious process. It's a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.本回答被网友采纳