求大神帮助 把下面句子翻译成英文 急用!!!!

一只蛇咬住了它的尾巴 小壁虎一挣 挣断尾巴逃走了
它想 没尾巴多难看啊我要去借一条尾巴
4.它爬到河边 问小鱼:“小鱼姐姐,能把尾巴借给我吗?"小鱼说:”不行啊,我要用尾巴拨水“
5.它爬到大树下 问老黄牛:”黄牛伯伯 能把尾巴接我吗“老黄牛说:”不行啊。我要用尾巴赶蝇子“
6.它爬到房檐下 问燕子说:”燕子阿姨 能把尾巴接我吗“燕子说:”不行啊,我要用尾巴掌握方向“
7.小壁虎伤心的爬回家告诉了妈妈 妈妈说:”你回头看看“小壁虎开心的叫了起来:”哦!我长出新尾巴啦!“

第1个回答  2014-05-15
Small gecko in the corner to catch mosquitoes
A snake biting its tail Small gecko a brake make tail away
Don't think the tail how ugly I am going to borrow a tail
4. It climbed to the river Derek fisher asked: "can fish sister, lend me your tail?" Fish said: "I can't, I want to use the tail water"
5. It climbed up the tree Cattle uncle asked workhorse, "can you pick me up to the tail" workhorse said: "I can't. I want to use the tail drive embalmed"
6. It climbed to under the eaves Aunt asked swallow said: "the swallow can you pick me up to the tail" the swallow said: "I can't, I want to grasp the direction with its tail"
7. Little gecko's home to tell his mother the mother said: "you look at the little gecko happy shouted:" oh! I grow a new tail!"
第2个回答  2014-05-09
Small gecko in the corner to catch mosquitoes
A snake biting its tail torn apart to earn a little gecko tail and fled
It wants no tail more ugly ah I'm going to borrow a tail
4 It climbed to fish the river asked:
"? Fish sister,
can you lend me a tail," Fish said: "No,
ah, I use tail water repellent."
5 It climbed a big tree asked the old cattle: "Uncle
cattle tail can pick me" old ox,
said: "No, ah I want to catch the tail Yingzi."
6 It climbed to ask swallow under the eaves, said: "Auntie swallow tail can pick me" Swallow said: "No,
ah, I want to grasp the tail direction."
7 small gecko climb sad to go home and told my mother my mother said: "You look back at the" little gecko happy exclaimed: "!!
Oh, I grow a new tail it."