
TSET1听力第一题的A..Opposite a big store on Maple Street,急用急用

partC: Languages; acquire; success; throughout; radio; concerts; success
Languages basically the undersatanding of the words and the relationship between sentence; this is impossible even we listen in our own languages;
he can find out his strenghts and weaknesses;

test2: partA: c b c d c d c a ;
pareB:a b d b d b d :
partC:value; fashionable; delicious; possessing; source;
means; Profiting the expensive of their victims; But in my opinon the truly happy are those who make money through their work and live within their income; In itself has little value if it does not give people read happiness;
partD: ccccbcdbdc
全新版大学英语听说教程(2)学生用书(虞苏美 )答案 test1,2 答案.docx
test1 1-8bcbcbcab 9-12 dbdc13-15cbd16stocks17exhibition18techniques19activities20research21modem22software23Delivery time for email from Europe to the USA is about 1o seconds.24 What's really extraordinary about the Internet is the amout and variety of information available.25 Services are also available than allow you to do your banking,reserve airline tickes, and even shop for a Mother's Day,26-28 cdc29-32ccad 33-35bca
TEAT21-8dcdcdbca9-11dda12-15bcbc 16forecast 17unusual 18Fortunaitely19 extreme20rarely21global 22rush23People enjoy discussing the snoe ,complaining about the cold 24Contrary to popular opinion, it does not rain all the time.25 Thanks to the rain,Britain has a richcountryside, which is famous for its deep green color .26-28adb29-31bac32-35cadb

大学英语听说教程3 最后面的Test1 Test2答案、
Part A
1、b 2、b 3、c 4、d 5、a 6、d 7、c 8、a 9、c 10、c
Part C
1、b 2、d 3、b 4、d

Part A
Passage 1、b Passage 2、d Passage 3、b
Part C
1、d 2、c
Part D
Passage 1 : 1、d 2、c
Passage 2 : 3、b 4、c 5、d