

  Automation professional education is accompanied by the rise of automation technology in the social production and life of a wide range of applications. It mainly studies the principle and method of automatic control, automatic unit technology and integration technology and its application in various control systems. In this area, the United States is in the world's leading level. Because of the wide application of automation technology, the social demand for this profession is increasing, in order to adapt to the situation, the United States of the University in a timely manner to introduce the professional education in the classroom. Because of the professional skills of applicability, which soon caused the young students keen interest, the United States in the field of rapid development and lead his country laid a solid talent foundation.
  China's research in this field is also relatively early, but the real as a professional education into the University's classroom is relatively late in the evening. This is also the lack of reserve personnel in this field in our country, which is an important reason for the difference of the other countries.
  In the early period after the founding of new China, the people's government faced is undone situation, the socialist economic construction need to have advanced production technology. So in support of the party and the country, a number of schools such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Beijing Institute of Technology have set up the relevant professional education and professional technology institute.
  After the reform and opening up, the new technology revolution in the fourth wave of the wave, automation professional education has been considerable development. In addition to the original has been opened with the relevant professional colleges and universities, and a large number of colleges and universities such as Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beihang University, Southeast University, Nanjing University, etc. are added to this professional. According to statistics, there are more and more colleges and universities, which have more than 90% colleges and universities. Because of its wide applicability and wide demand for the professional talents, it has been more and more popular. General colleges and universities each year are to 200 - 300 capacity of students take sage, some universities even more, record of formal schooling also by the specialist, undergraduate to masters and doctoral ranging, forming a cascade of talent training mode of education. In recent years, in this field emerged many famous professors, experts, teachers strength greatly enhanced, for example Wucheng, professor at the Department of automation, Tsinghua University in system integration technology attainments, Chen yuliu, Xiong Guangleng, Yang Jiaben, Yang Shiyuan, Xiao professor in the respective fields of research has yielded fruitful results, Wu Qidi, a professor of Tongji University has long been engaged in modern control theory and application, automation system engineering and computer integrated manufacturing system and automatic intelligent system theory and Application Research of. Southeast University automatic control system and Automation Research Institute has a high level of academic leaders, led by Professor Qian Zhonghan, Professor Feng Chunbai, Professor, led by the Chinese Academy of sciences. These outstanding scholars and experts have made outstanding contributions to the development of new technology in our country.
第1个回答  2013-10-12
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第2个回答  2019-12-23