

( )1.Alice wanted to know ____ her grandma liked the dog. A. that B. if C. which D. what
( )2.Can you tell us __ ?A. where have you gone B. where have you gone C. where you have been D. where have you been
( )3.Do you still remember ____ ? A. that he said B. what he said C. did he say that D. what did he say
( )4.The weather here changes very often and we can’t tell ____ it will be like tomorrow.
A. that B. how C. what D. whether
( )5.—What did the scientist say? —He said he wondered if ____into space by spaceship one day.
A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly
( )6.Do you know ___from Wuhan to Xi’an ?A. how far it is B. how far is it C. how long it is D. how long is it
( )7.Could you tell me ____?A. where do you live B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in
( )8.—Is the lake there beautiful?
—This photo will show you ____. A. how does it look like B. what does it look like C. how it looks like D. what it looks like
( )9. I don’t know ____ bought the present for me. Is it Jack? A. which B. who C. whose D. what
( )10.Could you show us ____ a bike ?A. how to mend B. what to buy C. where to go D. how many to buy
( )11.I don’t know ____ Jane was late for school this morning. A. who B. what C. whom D. why
( )12.—Do you remember ____ he came? —Yes, I do. He came by car. A. that B. if C. how D. when
( )13.Mike said he ___ a cold for a few days. A. has caught B. had caught C. has had D. had had
( ) 14.I don’t know if he ____ here. If he ____, I’ll tell you.
A. will come, comes B. comes, will come C. comes , comes D. will come, will come
( ) 15.Could you tell me ____ best? A. which one you like B. which one do you like C. do you like which one D. you like which one
( ) 16.The teacher told the children that the earth ____ around the sun. A. moves B. moved C. had moved D. was moving
( ) 17.Nobody knows which factory _____. A. does he work B. he works C. does he work in D. he works in
( ) 18.He said that no one knew ___ with him. A. what is the matter B. what was the matter C. what the matter is D. what the matter was
( ) 19.I’m interested in _____ or not he is coming. A. whether B. if C. when D. why
( ) 20.I’m sorry that I ____ you were here. A. didn’t know B. don’t know C. won’t know D. can’t know
(2005 山东,26 )The shopkeeper didn’t want to sell for __he thought was not enough . A where B. how C. what D. which
(2007 山东,22 )Could I speak to ____is in charge of International Sales ,please ? A. anyone B. someone C. whoever D. no matter who
(2008 重庆,25)People in Chongqing are proud of __they have achieved in the past ten years . A. that B. which C what D. how
15. Sarah hopes to become a friend of __ shares her interests. A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who
16. __ we can’t get seems better than ___ we have. A. What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; what
17. ____ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where
18. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ___ he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
20. It was a matter of ____ would take the position. A. who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever
第1个回答  2012-05-23
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.B
26.D 22.A 25.C 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.B 20.A
第2个回答  2013-03-16
1.These flowers are from Guangdong. He said.
He said _______ these flowers _______ from Guangdong.
2. Lighttravels faster than sound. My teacher told me.
My teacher told me _____ light _______ faster than sound.
3.There will be a meeting in five days. Jack didn’t know.
Jack didn’t know _____ there _____ ____ a meeting in five days.
4.Can they speak French? I want to know.
I want to know ______ _______ _______ _______ French.
5.Are the children playing games? Tell me.
Tell me ______ the children ______ ______ games.
6.Have you finished your homework yet? Mr. Zhao asked Ma Gang.
Mr. Zhao asked Ma Gang ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ homework yet.
7.How many people can you see in the picture? Who knows?
Who knows ______ _____ _____ ____ _____ ______ in the picture?
8.Where did she park her car? Do you know?
Do you know _____ _____ ____ her car?
9.What does he often talk about? The girl wondered.
The girl wondered _____ _____ often ________ about.
10.Who knocked at the door so loudly? I don’t know.
I don’ t know ____ _______ at the door so loudly.
11. Does he still live in that street? Idon't know.
I don't know ______ he still _______ in that street.
12. What's his name? I asked him.
I asked him what _____ _____ _____.
13. When does the train arrive? Please tellme.
Please tell me ________ _________ ________ _________.
14. Do they want fried chicken? He asked theboys.
He asked the boys _______ they ______ fried chicken.
15. Was the watch made in Shanghai? I don'tknow.
I don't know _______ the watch _______ made in Shanghai.
( ) 1. What did Mike say? He said____________________.
A. if you are free the next week B. what colour was it
C. the weather is fine D.summer comes after spring
( ) 2. Tom asked my friend ________________.
A. where was he from
B. that the earth is bigger
than the moon
C. when did he come back D.not to be so angry
( ) 3. Let me tell you __________________.
A. how much is the car B. how much does the car cost
C. how much did I pay for the car D. how much I spent on the car
( ) 4. Peter knew _______________.
A. whether he has finished reading the book
B. why the boy had so many questions
C. there were 12 months in a year D. when they will leave for Paris
( )5.Could you tell me ___________?
  A. where do you live   B. who you are waitingfor
  C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in
( )6.I can't understand ______the boy alone.
  A. why she left   B. why did she leave
 C. why she had left  D. why had she left
( )7.She told me the sun ______ in the east.
A. rise  B. rose  C.
rises  D. had risen
( )8.Idon't know ________ up so early last Sunday.
A. why did he get B.why he gets C.why does he get D. whyhe got
( )9.The manager came up to see __________.
  A. what was the matter  B. what the matter was
C. what the matter is D.what's the matter
( )10.He asked his father _______.
  A. where it happens B. where didit happen
  C. how it happened D. howdid it happen
( )11.No one tells us______, so we need your help.
  A. how we should do B. whatshould we do
  C. how to do it D. what to do it
( )12.Could you please teach me _______ the computer.
A. how check B. to check C. how to
check D. to how checking
( )13.Theydon't know _______their parents are.
A that B what C why D which
( )14.─Where do you think ______ he _____ the TV set?
─ Sorry, I've no idea.
A./, bought B. has, bought C. did,
buy D. did bought
( ) 15.
Our homework has changed a lot. Who can tell _____ it would be like in _____
five years.
  A. how, another B. what,more C. how ,other D. what, another
( )16.─ Could you tell me ______? ─ Yes. He ____ to the USA.
  A. where is he/ has been B. where he is/ has gone
  C. where was he/ has been D. where he was/ has gone
( )17.─Mike wants to know if ____ a picnic tomorrow.
─Yes. But if it _______, we'll
visit the museum instead.
A. you have/ will rain B. you will have/
will rain
  C. you will have/ rains D. will you have/ rains
( )18.I really don't know if she _______ it when she ________.
  A. finds/ arrives B. finds/ will arrive
C. will find/ will arrive D. will find/arrives
( )19.Miss Liu said ______ she would leave themessage on the headmaster”s desk.
A. that B. where C. which D. what
( )20.He asked me _______.
A. who will kick the first goal in the World Cup
B. when was the APEC meeting held
C. when China became a member of the WTO
D. where the 2008 Olympics will be held
( )21.In the bookshop , a reader asked the shopkeeper ______ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.
A. that B. how C. what D. if
( )22.You must remember _______.
A. what your teacher said B. what did your teacher say
C. your teacher said what D. what has your teacher said
( )23.I don”t know ______ .
A. which room I can live B. which room can I live
C. which room I can live in D. which room can I live in
)24.--Do you know
when he ______ back ?
--Sorry , I don”t . When he _______back , I”ll tell you .
A. comes ; comes B. comes ; will come
C. will come ; comes D. will come ; will come
( )25The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.
A. took B.take C. takes D. will take
( )26Mary said that she ___ to Guangzhou.
A. has never gone B. had never gone
C. has never been D. had never been
( )27The students want to know whether they___ a PE class today.
A. had B. has C. will have D. are
( )28.Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty?
A. who B. what C. when D. that
( )29.I don't know ___ they have passed the exam.
A. what B. if C. when D. where
( )30. Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening?
A. what B when C why D how
1. Jim told me ____ he didn't go fishing yesterdayafternoon.(how, why)
2. Do you know ______ else is going to be on duty today?(who, whom)
3. She said _____ it wouldn't matter much.(that, if)
4. He always thinks ______ he can do better.(how, who)
5. I really don't know ________ the bridge will be
finished.(how long, how
6. They don't know _______ to go or wait. (if, whether)
7. We are talking about ______ we’ll go back tomorrow.(whether, if)
8. I was really surprised at ______ I saw. (where, what)
9. I don't know ____ so many people are looking at him.(how, why)
10. Do you know ______ you are studying for? (why, what)
1. “Do you want to try it?” Tom's motherasked him.(同义句)→
Tom's mother asked him _______ _______ ______ to try it.
2. I think this is a good idea.(改为否定句) →
I _______ ________ this ________ a good idea.
3. Lucy hasn't decided which trousers to buy.(改为复合句) →
  Lucy hasn't decided _________________ ________ _______ buy.
4. I don't know how I can get to thehospital.(改为简单句) →
  I don't know ________ ________________ to the hospital.
5. I don’t suppose they will come, _____________ ? (改为反意疑问句)
1. We are sure that he ________ (go) toschool tomorrow.
2. Do you know who ______ (be) the first manto walk on the moon?
3. Could you tell me where the post office______ (is)?
4. Our father said that he _______ (will) buya new computer.
5. I hear that he _______ (swim) in the seayesterday.
6. The little boy tells us where his father_______ (work).
7. He said that he _________ (finish) hiswork already.
8. They thought they could _______ (hike) tothe top of the mountain.
9. He was glad that so many people _____(help) him.
10. She doesn’t know whether ________ (go) orwait.
一、1.that, were 2.that, travels 3.that, would be 4.if/whether they can speak 5.if/whether, are playing 6.if/whether he had finished his 7. how many people you can see 8.where she parked 9.what he, talked 10.who knocked 11.if/whether, lives 12.his name was 14.if/whether, wanted 15.if/whether, was
二、1—5: DDDBB 6—10:ACDBC
11—15:CCBAD 16—20:BCDAC 21—25:DACCA
2.who 3.that 4.how
5.how soon 6.whether 7.whether
8.what 9.why 10.what
四、1.if/whether he wanted 2.don’t think, is 3.which trousers she can 4.how to get 5.will they
五、1.will go 2.was
3. is 4.would 5.swam
7.had finished 8.hike 9.helped 10.to go