求翻译 或者是 Monkey Majik 的英文简介


MONKEY MAJIK [中文译名:猴子把戏] 团员为Maynard(主唱&吉他)、Blaise(主唱&吉他)、tax(鼓)、DICK(贝司) 共4人。   Monkey Majik是一组日本的流行摇滚乐团,由负责担任主唱兼吉他手的梅纳德(Maynard)和布莱斯·普蓝特(Blaise Plant)兄弟、鼓手 tax(菊池拓哉),以及贝斯手 DICK 组成。其中普蓝特兄弟来自加拿大,因此乐团的歌词除了日文之外,也有大量的英文。虽然大部分知名的日本歌手和乐团都居住在东京,但猴子把戏的团员目前仍然住在距离东京三百多公里远的仙台市。   他们发行的第一份作品是自费发行的 EP《TIRED》,限量一千张,只在仙台的淘儿唱片(Tower Records)贩售。乐团的第一张单曲是在2006年发行的《Fly》,推出之后获得不错的成绩。不久后他们接着发行第二张单曲《Around the World》,在日本的 Oricon 单曲榜上位居第四名。

Monkey Majik (Chinese:猴子把戏)composed of Maynard(vocals&guitar)、Blaise(vocals&guitar)、Tax(drummer)and DICK(bassist ).
Monkey Majik is a Japanese band composed of Maynard and Blaise Plant, who both perform vocals and guitar, drummer Tax(菊池拓哉Takuya Kikuchi)and bassist DICK. The lyrics are sung in both Japanese and English, as two members Plant Brothers are Canadian. Most of the famous Japanese singers and bands stay in Tokyo, but Monkey Majik live in Sendai which is more than 300 kilometers from Tokyo.
They released their first EP called TIRED, a self-financed release limited to 1,000 copies available at Tower Records in Sendai. Their first major release single was "fly", and it was commercially successful. Later they released the second single "Around the World" reaching #4 on Oricon charts.