same girl歌词哪几句是usher唱的



K:Yo Usher(不用翻译吧)
U:What up Kells (怎么了?KELLS)
K:Wanna introduce you to this girl, think I really love this girl(想介绍个女孩给你,我觉得我真的爱这个女孩)
K:Man she so fine(伙计,她很漂亮)
U:Straight up dawg (直接点,伙计)
K:She stand about 5’4” coke cola red bone (她有5.4英寸,什么骨头,没看懂)
U:Damn (相当于:继续)
K:She drives a black Durango license plate say “Angel” tattoo on her ankle(她开一辆黑色的Durango<车名> 脚踝上有文身)
Plus she’s making pay so she got a crib on Peace street right on 17th street(加上她有钱,所以她的家在安静街的右边的17大道上)
And I call her “TT”(还有我叫她 TT)
U:Wait a minute hold on dawg do she got a kid?(等等,别挂,伙计,她有个孩子吗?)
U:Love Some Waffle House?(喜欢吃Waffle House〈美国的快餐连锁店〉 的东西 ?
U:Do she got a beauty mark on her left side of her mouth (她是不是有个痣在她嘴巴的左边)
K:Man? (什么?)
U:Went to Georgia Tech(从乔治亚州工学院毕业)
U:Works for TBS(在TBS〈舰船间无线电通话
K:Yep(对啊 )
U:Man I can’t believe this chick(伙计,我不敢相信)… damn… mm(怎么了)
K:Tell me whats wrong dawg, what the hell you damning about (告诉我怎么了伙计,你究竟在说什么?)
Im your homie so just say whats on your mind(我是你的死党所以我只说什么使你担心)
U:Man I didn’t know that you were talking about her(伙计,我不知道你在谈论她什么?)
K:So man your telling me you know her(伙计你的话让我知道她是谁)
U:Do I know her like a pastor know his word(我怎么知道她像个牧师知道你在说什么?)什么啊?又看不懂咯

A:We messing with the same girl same girl(我们遇到了同一个女孩)
K:How could the love of my life, and my potential wife be the(她是我一生的至爱,我可能要她当我的妻子)
A:Same girl same girl(不用翻译了)
U:Man I can’t believe that we’ve been messing with the(伙计,我不敢相信我们遇到了同一个女孩)
A:Same girl same girl
K:Thought she someone that I can trust(她是我可以相信的人)
but she’s been doubling up with us(但是她已经让我们搅在一起)
A:You can't, man we’ve been messing with the same girl(你不能,我们已经遇到了同一个女孩)

U:See I met her at this party in Atlanta (想想我曾经和她在亚特兰大的派对上遇到)
K:Well I met her at this party in Chicago (好!我也在芝家哥的派对上遇到她)
U:She came right up to me given me conversation (她主动走过来和我搭讪)
I said do you got a man she said no, with no hesitation (我说你遇到过一个向她毫不犹豫说不的女男人吗?)
K:Well it must be a music thing cause she said the same to me (肯定是音乐让她也对我做了同样的事)
At a party all in my face, when I’m laughin and buyin her drinks (派队上我一直笑还请她喝饮料)
U:She whispered in my ear and said can you take me home(她在我耳边说可不可以送她回家)
K:Me too(我一样的)
Man she was in the Chi singin that same song(她在CHI也唱了同样的歌)
U:Is that true (真的吗?)
And I thought it was true confession when she said
A:I love you(我想她说爱我一定是真的)
U:Man I thought her body was calling when she said
K:I want you (我觉得当她给我打电话时她的身体一定在说我想要)(有点SEX)
U:Look I even got some pictures on my phone(看。我的手机上甚至有她的照片)
K:Look at there, there she is with some boy shorts on (看这儿,这里也有她穿男式短裤的图片)

A:We messing with the same girl same girl(我门遇到了同一个女孩)
K:She’s the apple of my eye, and my potential wife the(她是我的宝贝,我要她做的我妻子)
A:Same girl same girl
U:Man I can’t believe that we’ve been messing(我不敢相信我们遇到了同一个女孩)
around with the same damn girl (周围到处都是她)
A:Same girl same girl
U:Thought she someone that I can trust (她是我值得相信的人)
K:but she’s been doubling up with both of us(但是她让我们两个搅在一起)
A:You can't, man we’ve been messing with the same girl(你不能这样说,是我们遇到了同一个女孩)
U:She said she got me on her ringtone(她说她叫我用真确的口音)
K:Are you talking about the pink phone(你和她打过那个粉红色的电话吗?)
U:Mm-mm the blue one(嗯。只打过蓝色的)
K:Man she told me that was turned off(伙计,她给我说那个没打开)
U:Its obvious that shes been playing us playing us 9(很明显,她在耍我们)
K:Cuz constantly she’s been lyin to us lyin to us(一直在骗我们)
U:Don’t like the way that she’s been goin bout it goin bout it (不喜欢她这样)
Kells what do you think we should do about it do about it(KELLS你认为我们该怎么做)
K:Call her up at her home, she won’t know that Im on the phone(打电话给她家,她不会知道我也在听电话)
U:Yeah man that’s a plan(好,伙计,这是个好主意)
K:Homie we about to bust this trick(伙计,我们在给她弄个骗局)
K:Man just ask her to meet up with you and Im gonna show up too(伙计,只要你叫她出来,然后我也出现)
U:And then she won't know what to do(然后她就不知道该怎么办了)
K:We'll be standing there singing(我们可以站在那里唱歌)

A::We messing with the same girl same girl (我们遇到了同一个女孩)
U:She’s was the apple of my eye, and your potential wife the(她是我的宝贝,我要她当我的妻子)
A:Same girl same girl
K:I can’t believe that we’ve been messing with the same girl (我不敢相信我们遇到了同一个女孩)
A:Same girl same girl
K:Shes gonna looks so stupid when see us together (当我们同时出现,她会看起来很蠢)
A:You can't, man we’ve been messing with the same girl (你不能,我门遇到了同一个女孩)
U:See she was taken flights going back and forth
I would pick her up at the Airport(想想以前她来来回回坐飞机时,我总是接她)
K:Man I really can’t believe the (伙计,我真的不敢相信
A:Same girl same girl
Hey…. The same girl same girl

