
2007-2008年度 汕头地区的初三英语(别的地方不知道是不是一样=.=||)
备注:我这本英语书的封面是黄色的,外语教学与研究出版社,该书的词汇表从P186开始 Module1的前几个单词是这样的:wonder 奇迹,想知道,对....好奇 band乐队 review评论 ancient古老的远古的(怕大家认错书..)
Module1-11的词组就好了, 例如on the edge of 处于...的边缘 在下谢谢大家了 感激不尽~! 谢谢 (^.^)¥


Unit 1
过去常常做某事 used to do sth 习惯做某事 be used to doing sth
激光唱机 a CD player 输入 put into
全神贯注于……中 put one’s heart into 想出、提供 come up with
拾起某物 pick up sth 向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb
把某物借给某人 lend sb sth/lend sth to sb 带给某人知识 give sb knowledge
在校园内的室外 outside in the schoolyard 忘记要做某事 forget to do sth
忘记曾经做过的事 forget doing sth 第二天 the next day
上一周 last week 几天以后 several days later
迟早 sooner or later 更糟糕的是 what be worse
为……而付款 pay for… 所借的书 borrowed books
在国外 be abroad 整理床铺 make the bed
把某物归还给某人 return sth to sb 从某人处得到某物get sth from sb
顺手拿走、偷走 walk away with 鼓励某人做某事 encourage ab to do sth

Unit 2
水上运动 water sports 一天三次 three times a day
尝试 have a try / want a go 遍及全世界 all over the world
许许多多、大量 a large number of 一年到头,终年 all the year round
不管 no matter 放弃做某事 give up doing sth
放弃工作 give up one’s job 以冲浪为生 live to surf
看起来令人兴奋 look exciting 因……而著名 be famous for
在A和B之间 between A and B 例如 for example
从那时起 ever since 打零工 a part-time assistant
休息一晚 have a night off 使某人舒畅(开心)make sb fit
乐趣无穷 such great fun 动身去某地 leave for sw.
一等奖 first prize 冲浪竞赛 a surfing competition
奥林匹克运动会 Olympic Games 出差,因公 on business
时光飞逝,光阴似箭,日月如梭 (How) time flies!
迄今为止 so far 到某处旅游 travel to sw.
试着做某事 trying doing sth 尽力做某事 try to do sth
一个十二岁的男孩 a 12-year-old boy / a boy of 12 实现 come true
走进、踏入 step into 减速 slow down
又过了两个小时 another two hours 高度赞扬 speak highly of
因……感到自豪 be proud of doing sth / be proud to do sth
是…..的骄傲 be the pride of sb

Unit 3
造纸厂 a paper factory 找出、查明 find out
倾倒, 倒入 pour… into 污水、废水 waste water
害怕某事(物) be afraid of sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth
传到某人耳中 come to one’s ears 将某物投入 throw sth in
将某物投入某处 throw sth into sw. 帮助做某事 help (to) do sth
保持城市整洁 keep the city clean 保护环境 protect the environment
绿化中国 Greener China 乱丢某物 litter / throw sth about
以……为根据 base on /be based on 在公共场所吐痰 spit in a public place
为干某事而做出(巨大)贡献 make a (great) contribution to doing sth
砍伐 cut down 收垃圾的车 a truck collecting rubbish

Unit 4
尽快 as soon/quickly as possible; as soon /quickly as one can
现在 right now 乘飞机旅行 travel by plane/ air
匆匆行程 a rushed trip 火车旅途 a train ride
打的前往 take a taxi to 卧铺车箱 a sleeping car
四处走走 walk around 感到疲惫 feel tired
打牌 play cards 一直不断干某事 keep doing sth
不断老是做某事 keep on doing sth 为某人提供某物 offer sb sth
练习干某事 practise doing sth 很快睡熟了 fall fast asleep
持久 last long 持续一段时间 last for some time
旅行 go on a trip/ have a trip / be on a trip 拍照 take photos / pictures
赶快 hurry up 在某人一生中 in one’s life
留言 leave a message 冲洗, 显影 come out

Unit 5
过来、加油 come on 开家庭会议 have a family meeting
谈论 talk about 去度假 go for a holiday / go on holiday
决定干某事 decide to do sth 潜水 scuba diving
在因特网上 on the Internet 上网查寻 search the Internet
双击左键 double left click 因特网图标 the Internet icon
键入网址 type in the Website 按回车键 press the enter button
花市 a flower market 驯鹿公园 a deer park
单程 one-way trip 往返双程 round trip
珊瑚礁 coral reefs 快速列车 a fast train
向前走 walk along 照直走 go straight along
请稍等 just / wait a minute

Unit 6
报警 call the police 出事故 have an accident
去冲浪 go surfing 骑马 ride a horse
拜访某人 visit sb 允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth
使它成为可能 make it possible 水下呼吸器 the scuba machine
对……感兴趣 be interested in 摄像 make videos
制作电视节目 make a TV show 对……感到惊讶 be amazed /surprised at
保护环境 save /protect the environment 保持某物清洁 keep sth clean
清理、打扫 clean up 鼓励某人干某事 encourage sb to do sth
参加……活动 take part in sth /doing sth 长达…… as long as…
在世界上 on earth / in the world 以……为生、为主食 feed on…
在沙滩上 on the beaches 警告某人做某事 warn sb to do sth
去看望、拜访某人go to visit sb 走出 get out of
就这么定了。 That’s a deal.

Unit 7
能 be able to 持续做…… keep doing sth
让某人持续做某事 keep sb doing sth 操作、从事、致力于…… work on sth
改变世界 change the world 试验新的想法(创新)try out new ideas
在校上学 be in school 与……无/有关 have nothing / something to do with…
对……感兴趣 be interested in 在12岁时 at the age of 12
铁轨 railway tracks 冲过去 rush out
把孩子抱到安全地带carry the boy to safety 如此……以致…… so… that…
对……评价高,看重 think a lot of 考虑、关心 think of
开发 open up 关小 turn down
开大 turn up 毕业于…… graduate from…
值得做 be worth doing 保持忙碌 keep busy
把某人带回家 take sb home 生活的一个新开端 a new start in life
某人大半生 most of one’s lifetime 对某人充满信心 have confidence in sb
想要做某事 feel like doing sth / would like to do sth / want to do sth
计划做某事 plan to do sth

Unit 8
实现 come true 快来 come on
砍伐 cut down 挂上、张贴 put up
在……顶部 on top of / at the top of 团聚 get together
挨家挨户 from house to house 圣诞颂歌 Christmas songs
圣诞精神 the spirit of Christmas 在圣诞除夕 on Christmas Eve
在圣诞节 on Christmas Day 在床头边 at the end of the bed
圣诞老人 Father Christmas 在夜间 during the night
也 as well 好心的人 a kind-hearted man
顺着爬下来 climb down 把……装上 fill… with…
以……为根据 base on /be based on 穷人 the poor
扔下 drop down 尽管、即使 even though
不再 no longer / not any longer / no more / not any more
某人慷慨大方的精神 one’s spirit of generosity
继续活着 live on 迫不及待干某事 can’t wait to do sth
圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas 在西方国家 in western countries
春节 (the) Spring Festival 用不同的方式 in different ways
从前 once upon a time 讲述 tell of (about)
向某人讲述某事 tell sb of (about) sth 生孩子 give birth to

Unit 9
毛笔 a writing brush 由……制成 be made of (from)
被用来 be used for 保暖 keep warm
寄信 send a letter 开锁门 open and lock a door
在世界上 in the world / on earth 成群的人 groups of people
一群鸟 a group of birds 一百万或更多 one million or more
当然 of course 说得最广泛 be the most widely spoken
使用很广泛 be used very widely 作为一门外语 as a foreign language
在世界上其他许多国家 in many other countries of the world
在当今世界上, 在现代社会中 in the modern world
把……当作……用 be used as …
广泛使用于商业事务中 be widely used for business
向某人买某物 buy sth from sb 把某物卖给某人 sell sth to sb
大多数商业信件most business letters 在世界范围内 around the world
打电话 make a telephone call 数码相机 a digital camera
在另一方面 on the other hand 一套…… a set of

Unit 10
在城里 be in town 在城外 be out of town
展览、陈列 on show / on display 数百年前 hundreds of years ago
看一看 have a look 到某地参观 a visit to sw
在20世纪20年代 in the 1920s 很久以前 long ago / long before
下蛋 lay eggs 不久以后 before long
人类 humans / human beings / man 真遗憾 That’s /What a pity.
被……覆盖 be covered with 有羽毛的恐龙 a feathered dinosaur
在将来 in the future 研究恐龙 study dinosaurs
查字典 look up sth in a /the dictionary 禁止吸烟 No smoking.
禁止拍照 No photos. 禁止停车 No parking
有三只腿的杯子 a cup with three legs / a three legged cup
在旧社会 in the old days 上酒 serve wine
使茶保温 keep tea warm 被装上、填上 be filled with
一群、一组 a group of 损坏 break down
营业时间 business time 切勿倒置 This side up

Unit 11
植树节 Tree Planting Day 植树 plant trees
正好 just right 既不……也不 neither… nor…
把……插进 knock… into 务必、确保、一定 make sure
在……旁边 next to 以便 so that
把……用力踩实 push sth down hard 把……系在 tie …to
使它立直 keep it straight 在绿色的长城 on the Great Green Wall
流失、跑走 run away 冲走 wash away
阻止、防止某人做某事 stop / prevent sb (from) doing sth ; keep sb from doing sth
雨滴 rain drops 直接冲击土壤 hit the soil directly
多亏、由于 thanks to / because of 落叶 dead leaves
数百万个 millions of 这一次 this time
其他许多人 many other people 在这些树苗中 among the young trees
多多益善 The more, the better 再过几年,几年以后 in a few years’ time
指向 point to 远处 far away
用这种方法 in this way 上交 hand in
或多或少、 差不多 more or less 避开,防止 keep off
