
1.Health is __ more value than anything else.
A.in B.of C.at D.with
2.The students ___ a number of questions in the classroom this morning.
A.are asked B.was asked C.had asked D.were asked
3.____ several times,but the boy doesn't know how to answer this question.
A.Having been told B.I've told him C.Being told D.Having told
第三题答案是A 。如果选A ,应该没有but吧?
Please excuse my interrupting you.
5.If one never studied,he would havenoting____.
A.succeeding to do B.succeed C.to succeed to D.to succeed in
6.He came in without _____.
A.asking B.being asking C.to ask D.to be asked
7.Can you think of a better way _____ them out?
A.to help B.helping C.for helping D.of us to help
8.---Did the judge ask you many questions?
----Yes, and _____.
A.to answer them was to be difficult
B.they were difficult to be answered
C.they were difficult to answer
D.ther had difficulty in answering
9.This out-of-date teaching method _____.
A.must do away with
B.must be done away with
C.must do away
D.must be done away
10.Don't forget your promise _____ us to use your computer.
A.to allow B.allowing
11._____ the news of his father's death,he burst into tears.
A.After hearing B.On hearing C.Having heard D.While hearing
12.Anna _____ read when she was four.
A.can B.is able to C.could D.were able to
12.It is strange that he _____ his own weak points.
A.fails to realize B.failed to realize C.fail to realize D.should fail to realize
13.I remember ____ this used to be a quiet village.
A.when B.how C.where D.what
14.He didn't live up to _____ had been expected of him.
A.what B.which C.that D.all that
15.Ruth always _____ things _____ with his parents before she wants to make an imporant decision.
A.tells ;of B.says ;over C.talks ;over D.states ;on16.Everyday,the old lady walks ____ Ren Min Theatre.
A.pass B.past C.passing D.passed
17.John ____ tears when she received the bad news.
A.bursted into B.bursts into C.was bursting off D.burst into


1、B of value=valuable

2、D 学生是“被“问及很多问题

3、A 有没有but都不碍事,有也可以没有无妨。顺便一提,如果你想选B,那么代词him指代的是谁?代词通常都是指代前文出现的人物。


5、D succeed in +n.(包括动名词doing)

6、B without是介词,后面接名词,然后这里有个被动

7、A think可以双宾语,但是句意是“想一个帮他们的办法”,可见a better way和help them out地位不等,a better way是宾语,help them out描述的就是这个宾语,因此help不能用doing。

8、C 虽然有被动的意思,但是be difficult for sb. to do是固定用法,意为“某件事对某人很难”

9、D 被动不解释。A的with是多余的,因为后面没有该接上的名词,句子中也找不到处于倒装状态的名词。

10、B promise的宾语不解释。

11、B 理由说不出,纯是语感。如果语法而论,ABD都问题不大。

12、D can本身有“被许可”和“有能力”两重含义。不过实际运用中can也没有大问题,只是be able to更精确。其实事实上,ABCD在实际使用中都是可以的,A和B的语意是“Anna在四岁时就能阅读书籍”,C和D的语意是“Anna曾在四岁时可以阅读”,有暗示“她现在已经无法阅读”的意思——选D单纯只是作为试题,考虑到精确和时态语法的结果。

13、A 从句结构什么都不缺,语意上也指代了地点(this village),只有when是合适的。

14、A 从句缺主语,用what指代。D在语法上也没问题,意思上略有不同。

15、C 固定用法,详谈某事

16、B walk本身不接宾语,后面那部分是表示方位的修饰,需要一个介词。

17、D burst的过去式和过去分词不变形追问

7题,是不定式做目的状语。还是?10题,应该是forget doing和forget to do的区别吧,promise后面也可以接不定式做宾语。11题我也做对了。但是我要的是原因。第12题。can 表示客观上的“可能性”,客观上能够做某事。be able to表示个人的能力,一个人能做什么。 但是D为什么是were不是was?还是怎么?第14题求详解!15题这个短语我也知道。请详细解释下,比如tell宾语为带to的不定式。第16题不明白BCD。第17题我看到过bursted.


7的to help them out个人感觉不是状语,不过表目的是无错的。

10我说错了,本来是想说那是forget的双宾语:句中的“promise”指得就是allow us to use your computer,两者都是forget的宾语,所以这里是使用allow的动名词,而不是forget doing这个固定搭配。



14句意是“他辜负了别人对他的期待”,可以看到live up to后面应该接宾语,这里则接了个宾语从句,这个从句缺少主语,因此用what来指代。all that也是可以的,all是宾语,后面是定语从句,句意“他辜负了所有对他抱有期待的人”。

15纯是句意推断,talk sth over的意思是“将某事详细讲出”。

16walk不接宾语,因为“走”这个动作是自主的,不需要一个施加对象——你能说“I walk you”么?就算是踩在人身上也是walk on you对不?所以动名词passing the Remin Theatre显然是不行的;passed这个更不沾边了,这充当的是什么结构?past作为介词就很合适,past the Remin Theatre是walk的状语,句意“每天,老妇都会路经人民剧院”。

