几道简单的英语句型转换题 求高人解答 【在线等

1.There are some teachers in the teachers’ room 改为否定句
2.My telephone doesn’t work 同义句替换
3.I live in 【Apartment 303, Building C】对括号里的单词提问
4.Why don’t you go there by bus?同义句替换
5.Kangkang wants to rent a house 【with furniture.】对括号里的单词提问

There arent any teachers in the teacher's room
There is something wrong with my telephone
Where do you live?
Why not go there by bus?
What kind of house does Kangkang want to rent?

有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
第1个回答  2012-03-30
1.There isn't any teacher in the teachers’ room. 否定句
2.There is something wrong with my telephone 同义句
3.Where do you live.对括号里的单词提问
4.You can go there by bus. 同义句
5.What kind of house does Kangkang want to rent?对括号里的单词提问
第2个回答  2012-03-30
There aren't any teachers in the teachers’ room

My telephone goes wrong .

Where are you living ?

Why not go there by bus?

What does Kangkang want to rent a house with?