


  我们的汽车刚刚在湖边停下,一群山区的孩子就冲了过来。“叔叔,买点蘑菇吧,很新鲜的。”“阿姨,买点苹果吧!我要挣钱交学费呢。” 他们每人手上拎了个小篮子或小布兜,里面是些水果、瓜子之类的东西,争着向我们叫卖。这群孩子大的不过八九岁,小的只有四五岁。他们穿得很少,衣服破破烂烂。其中有个瘦小的孩子只是在背心外面套了一件大人穿的旧军装,说话声音都有点发抖。那里的气温只有十多度,我当时穿了两件羊毛衫,他们肯定冷死了。




This year, my mum and dad to travel together, went to the Lugu Lake in Yunnan. I heard" journey to the west" daughter of the country is here.

Our car just stopped in Lake, a group of mountain children rushed in. " Uncle, buy some mushroom, very fresh." " Aunt, to buy some apples! I want to earn money to pay tuition." Each of them carrying a small basket or a small cloth bag, there are some fruits, seeds and the like, fighting over who gets to us. The children of only eight or nine years old, small only four or five years old. They wear very little, in rags. One of the small children only in the vest set a man wearing the old uniform, talking voice trembled a little. The temperature is only more than 10degrees, I was wearing two sweaters, they must have died of cold.

We are playing by the lake when, they always followed. Some pulled adults clothes selling, sometimes take the initiative to lead the way. See them in this way, a lot of people buy their things out. Pro when getting on the bus, my mother let me stand among them, took a group photo. Peer uncle aunt said that this is a sharp contrast.

Car, they have a strong wave saying goodbye to us! The tour guide said that these are the poor children, mostly out of school. There is a child also lost her mother. On the road, I blame my mother didn't buy them. Mom said she will have the opportunity to sponsor a school children.