

  国名:瑞士联邦 (Swiss Confederation)
  Switzerland is also known as "Confoederatio Helvetica", therefore the abbreviation CH. "Confoederatio" stands for "confederation", "Helvetica" derives from the Latin word "Helvetier", the name of the people who lived in the area which became later Switzerland.


  国旗: 呈正方形。旗地为红色,正中一个白色十字。瑞士国旗图案的来历众说纷纭,其中有代表性的说法就有四种。至1848年,瑞士制定了新联邦宪法,正式规定红地白十字旗为瑞士联邦国旗。白色象征和平、公正和光明,红色象征着人民的胜利、幸福和热情;国旗的整组图案象征国家的统一。这面国旗在1889曾作过修改,把原来的红地白十字横长方形改为正方形,象征国家在外交上采取的公正和中立的政策。
  The white cross on the red back (see top left on each page) has a religious background. The cross represents the cross, Jesus was put on, the red color represents his blood.
  Each arm of the cross has to be of the same size and must be 1/6 longer than wide.

  国徽: 为盾徽。图案与颜色与国旗相同。


  国石:小晶 There are no such things as a national motto, a national flower or a national animal. However, some cantons do have a motto or an animal.
  The "Edelweiss" has the status of an inoffical national flower.



  首都:伯尔尼 (Bern)

  The capital of Switzerland is Bern City, also the capital of the canton Bern.

  Administrative divisions:
  Switzerland is broken up into the following administrative divisions ("top down"):

  The Eidgenossenschaft (confederation) consists of the following authorities:

  Bundesversammlung ("federal assembly"), legislative authority:
  The federal assembly or parliament meets in the Bundeshaus in Bern and consists of two houses or Kammern (chambers):
  Ständerat: also called the kleine Kammer ("small chamber") with two representatives of each canton, or one representative of each split-canton, regardless of the size of the population of the canton.
  Nationalrat: also called the grosse Kammer ("large chamber") with 200 representatives. the number of representatives is proportional to the population of the cantons, but there is at least one representative of a canton.
  Bundesrat, executive authority:
  The Bundesrat consists of seven members, elected by the Vereinigte Bundesversammlung, a combined assembly of both chambers. Elections take place every four years. The president of the Bundesrat, called Bundespräsident / Bundespräsidentin, changes every year. The seven Bundesräte / Bundesrätinnen head the following departments (Departement):
  Foreign Affairs (für auswärtige Angelegenheiten)
  Home Affairs (des Innern)
  Justice and Police (Justiz- und Polizei-)
  Defence, Civil Protection and Sports (für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport)
  Finance (Finanz-)
  Economic Affairs (Volkswirtschafts-)
  Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation)
  Bundesgericht ("federal court"), judicial authority:
  The federal court in Lausanne, VD is the highest court in the country. It protects the constitutional rights of the Swiss citizens against arbitrariness of the authorities and administration.
  The duties of the confederation are defined in the Bundesverfassung ("federal constitution") and include:

  Protection of the country and its citizens
  Postal services, telephone and telecommunications (PTT)
  Monetary system (Nationalbank, "national bank")
  Transportation (Nationalstrassen (motor ways), railway)
  Diplomatic relations with other countries
  People can take direct influence by two means:

  Initiative: 100'000 citizens can request a voting about a change or extension of the Bundesverfassung ("constitution") or the Bundesgesetzt ("federal law").
  Referendum: If the Bundesrat wants to change or extend the Bundesverfassung ("constitution") or the Bundesgesetz ("federal law"), 50'000 citizens can request a voting about it.
  Switzerland consists of 23 Kantone (singular Kanton, cantons or states), 3 of them are divided into Halb-Kantone ("split states") with the following authorities:

  Grosser Rat, Kantonsrat or Landesrat(the name varies between the cantons), legislative authority
  Kantonsregierung, executive authority
  Kantonsgericht, judicial authority
  The cantons Appenzell, Glarus and Unterwalden do not perform elections and voting, but a so called Landsgemeinde, an out door assembly of all its citizens. The attendees raise their hands to show if they agree with or deny a particular request.

  The duties of the cantons are defined in their Kantonsverfassung ("cantonal constitution") and include:

  Transportation (Kantonsstrassen, "cantonal roads"))
  Social institutions
  This is a list of all cantons in the so called "official order":



  外交:瑞士为“永久中立国”,奉行积极的中立政策。“普遍性”、“善良服务”和“国际合作”是构成其外交政策的三要素。2005年6月,瑞士公民表决批准加入《申根协定》。 《申根协定》
