

The new semester is coming, and I will study hard with the serious attitude so that I can make good scores.
I will do more sport exercises, especially the volleyball and running.
and I will eat less junk food.
第1个回答  2008-02-09
dskljf wejoi dfksjdfuwgo z,cnvz cviuoaweknnvmcx vocibx
xcklvjs gbz cbkjlaiuogwrg bodiufgsdl asdidk sduowkd akxv,.zl;ia lkdjjg ldnxmcvaiiowe kvnmzx slkeuia adkj a l
kxc lsak ieouipq the pig kk sd g osfek mz dljfa djlfueeopq lk,m,cvkl i wish fem,ixzoa lal
that's all
第2个回答  2008-02-09
Getting a new semester, I wish to study well. Used to treat serious attitude. Good results.
Sports, I would also like to practice a lot, especially volleyball and running.
On the diet should find its own restraint. Do not eat junk food
第3个回答  2008-02-09
the new term will come
I want to study hard and have a good mark
I need to exersice in PE,espacily baseball and running .I will keep my diet,and eat less junk food
第4个回答  2008-02-09
The new term is coming. I shall study hard and treat it seriously so as to have a good score. As for physical education, I shall do more exercises, especially on volleyball and running. As for food, I shall abnegate and eat less junk food.
第5个回答  2008-02-09