英语句子翻译 好的选为满意答案


1 、Listen to me, I think your parents did very right .
2、 Your family is general and living conditions are not very good , so they cann't afford you
to buy famous brands.
3、As studengts, We should focus on/devote studies rather than food and clothing. For us,
studying is the most important thing.
4 、Just be unhappy because your parents aren't able to buy you famous brands.
解释:(1)did the right thing 一般不用这种表达 (2)common一般用于指“通常”,一般的话用“general”更常见,这里用“normal”也行 (3)living conditions are not very rich反倒不地道 foods or clothes food只有在特定的文意中表示食物种类的多样采用复数,这种表达不地道
第1个回答  2012-07-25
我随手翻 不一定是最地道的

I think what your parents did was right, please listen to me.
(我不是很理解这个”听我说“为什么在句尾 是连着后面的内容吗?如果后面没有了的话 要把please listen to me放到前面去)

Your family's financial state is not that good, so they(your parents) can't afford those top brand items/clothes/purses you want.(这里看他买的是名牌啥了哈 我觉得根据下文似乎是衣服 不过也可以直接说奢侈品吧can't afford those luxuries you want)

As students, we should focus more on our studies instead of our appearance. For us, to study well is always the most important.
(这里appearance意译了 不好意思 【吃穿】直接翻译的话似乎有点奇怪 因为老外看来吃穿是基本生活需要 比学习更紧迫)
(这句话我不知道你说给谁听 但是我认为一般外国人是不会像我们一样坚持【学习才是最重要的事】【惟有读书高】这种思想的 当然了 说给中国人就比较无所谓了)

希望有用哈 我也想看到别的大神比较精炼的翻译
第2个回答  2012-07-25
1 Listen to me, I think your parents did the right thing.
2 Your family is common and not very rich in life, so they cannot afford you to buy famous brands.
3 We as students must make efforts on studies rather than foods or clothes. For us, to study is the most important thing.
4 Be unhappy because your parents cannot afford you to buy famous brands.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2012-07-25
1. I think what your parents did is comletely right, Please listen to me.
2.You are not from a well-to-do family, your parents are not rich enough to offord the brand products you want.
3. As students, we should put the energy on study, other than food and clothing. What is the most important thing to us is study.
第4个回答  2012-07-25
1.Listen to me. I think your parents have done the right thing.
2.Your family is not well off and can't afford the name brand you ask for.
3.As students, we should concentrate on our studies instead of what we eat and wear. Study is the most important thing for us.