

Christmas, 9 year old girl Mary get a nutcracker. At night, she dreamed of the nutcracker became a prince, led her into another world. The world, all the toys will have life. Here was the kingdom of the good mouse capture, and, in order to cover the sun light, mouse soldiers caught the kingdom people to build a black smoke. That night in the snow fairy's help, Mary for the nutcracker restored the flesh, but after the destruction of the rat nutcracker can't break the curse, she returned to the reality of. Mary in order to remove the nutcracker body spells, help him restore kingdom, return to the dream, and the nutcracker and formulated the close smoke manufacture factory, let the sun on the earth, drive away the mouse plan. The nutcracker and Mary steer their toys friends came to the factory, but unfortunately the nutcracker been arrested, will be burned up in the fire threw. In the most critical moment Mary saved the little clamp, with the real feeling for his tears of breaking down the curse. Small clamps restored the prince's identity, closed the smoke factory. Lead the people to fight back with mice, the mouse out of his kingdom. Victory after Mary by the people welcome and love.追问


第1个回答  2012-07-23
Mary, a nine-year-old girl got a nutcracker on Christmas Day. At that night, she dreamed that the nutcracker became a prince and led her into another world. All the toys were alive in that world. It was once nice place, but rats occupied it and people in that world were caught by the rats to make black heavy smoke in order to cover the sunlight. With the help of Fairy Snow, Mary made the nutcracker to become the real prince, who he really was. But the nutcracker couldn't destroy the damnation as the rat queen stopped him. Then Mary was back into the real world and she went back to the dream world in order to relieve the nutcracker from the curse and help him regain the kingdom. Mary and the nutcracker made a plan of closing the heavy smoke factory and evacuate the rats. They led the toys to the factory, but the nutcracker was unfortunately caught and to be burnt in the furnace. At the eleventh hour, Mary saved the nutcracker and broke the curse with her tears. The nutcracker was back to his real prince. He closed the factory and led his people to fight the rats. At last, the rats were out of the kingdom and Mary was popular among the people.



第2个回答  2012-07-24
Christmas,9 year old girl Marie got a nutcracker. At night, she dreamed of the Nutcracker became a prince, led her into another world. In this world, all the toys come to life. The kingdom was mouse occupation, and to cover the light, the soldiers arrested people for their manufacture of smoke. Night in the snow fairy 's help, Marie as the nutcracker and the flesh, but in the rat after destruction Nutcracker can break the curse, she returned to the reality. Marie in order to dissolve the Nutcracker curse, help him restore the Kingdom, once again the dream, and the Nutcracker set off the smoke factory, let the sun to the earth, get rid of the mice plan. The nutcracker and Marie Lead Toy friends arrived at the factory, but the Nutcracker is caught, will be thrown by the stove. In the most critical moment Marie saved the small jaw, with tears for him to break the curse. The small jaw and identity, close smoke factory. Led people to fight back the mouse soldiers, the mouse out of their kingdom. Victory after Marie receives people's welcome and love.
第3个回答  2012-07-23
话说 这个童话应该有英文版的啊。
On Christmas night, the 9-year girl named Mary got a nutcracker. At that night, she dreamt that the nutcracker became a prince who ushered her into another world, where all the toys were alive! It was once a peaceful and tranquil world, which was occupied and ruled by the Mouse Army who force the people to make fog to cover the Sun. That night with the help of Snow Fairy, Mary managed to help the nutcracker recover to his original appearance. However, the prince could not get away from the spell due to the harzard of Mouse Queen. Mary returned to the real world and before long she stepped in to the dream again. She closed the factory which cause fog with the nutcracker. Cheerfully, the Sun threw light on the ground and prevent the plans of Mouse Army. When Mary and her friends rushed to the factory, the nutcracker was caught and was to be thrown into the fire. On the crisis Mary saved the nutcracker and broke the spell with her tears. The nutcracker became prince again and destroy the factory with the people. They fought against the Mouse Army and got the Mouse Army out of their Kindom. Mary established her reputaion as a rescuer.本回答被提问者和网友采纳