
一、将下列句子改为感叹句1. Tom is a clever boy. →_________________!2. The wind is blowing strongly. →______________________!3. These cakes are very delicious. →______________________!4. He is a strange man. →_____________________!5. It is a pity to miss the play. →_________________________!二.选用what, what a(an), how, how a(an)填空1. Look! _______fast the boy is running!2. _______cold day it was yesterday!3. _______heavy the box is! I can’t carry it.4. _______interesting story he told us!5. _______nice the mooncakes are!6. _______bad weather!7. _______clever children all of you are!8. _______important news that is!9. _______time flies!10. _______beautiful flowers you bought me!三、把下列陈述句改为感叹句1. These flowers are so beautiful.2. The room is big.3. It is a very interesting film.4. We have a good teacher.5. This question is very easy.6. The TV play is too long.7. The building is so tall.8. Lucy’s handwriting is very beautiful.9. My dog is very smart.10. The snow on the land is very thick!
一.用how / what来填空:
1. _______ clean water there is!
2. _______ clean the water is!3. _______ an unusual gift this is!
4. ________ nice stamps she had!5. _________ carefully she writes!
6. _________ brave the boy is!7. _____ a wonderful holiday he will have!8. _________ clearly he speaks !
9. _______ easy work it was!
10. _______ expensive coats he bought!
1. He was a bright student.
_____ ____ _____ _______ he was!
_______ ______ he was!
2. The weather is very sunny.
______ _____ the weather is !
_______ _____ _____ it is!
3.The work is very difficult.
______ ______ the work is!
_____ ______ _____ it is!
4.They are excellent workers.
_______ ______ _____ they are!
________ ______ workers are!

What +(a/an)名词+主语+谓语

一、将下列句子改为感叹句1. Tom is a clever boy. →___What a clever boy Tom is______________!
2. The wind is blowing strongly. →__________How strongly is the wind blowing____________!
3. These cakes are very delicious. →_____How delicious these cakes are_________________!

4.He is a strange man. →____________What a strange man he is_________!

5. It is a pity to miss the play. →__________What a pity it is to miss the play_______________!

二.选用what, what a(an), how, how a(an)填空
1. Look! ___How____fast the boy is running!
2. ____What a___cold day it was yesterday!
3. ___How____heavy the box is! I can’t carry it.
4. __What an_____interesting story he told us!
5. __How_____nice the mooncakes are!
6. ___What____bad weather!
7. _____What__clever children all of you are!
8. ____What an___important news that is!
9. __How_____time flies!
10. __What a_____beautiful flowers you bought me!
1. These flowers are so beautiful.
How beautiful these flowers!
2. The room is big.
How big the room is!
3. It is a very interesting film.
What an interesting film it is!
4. We have a good teacher.
What a good teacher we have!
5. This question is very easy.
How easy is the question!
6. The TV play is too long.
How long the TV play is!
7. The building is so tall.
How tall is the building is!
8. Lucy’s handwriting is very beautiful.
How beautiful Lucy’s handwriting is!
9. My dog is very smart.
How smart my dog is!
10. The snow on the land is very thick!
How thick the snow on the land is!
一.用how / what来填空:
1. ____What___ clean water there is!
2. ____How___ clean the water is!3. ___What____ an unusual gift this is!
4. _____How___ nice stamps she had!5. _______How__ carefully she writes!
6. _____How____ brave the boy is!7. ___What__ a wonderful holiday he will have!8. _____How____ clearly he speaks !
9. ____What___ easy work it was!
10. ____What___ expensive coats he bought!
1. He was a bright student.
___What a bright student_________ he was!
____How___ __bright____ he was!
2. The weather is very sunny.
__How____ __sunny___ the weather is !
__What_____ __sunny___ __weather___ it is!
3.The work is very difficult.
___How___ ___difficult___ the work is!
___What__ __difficult____ ___work__ it is!
4.They are excellent workers.
____What___ ___excellent ___ __workers___ they are!
____How____ __excellent____ workers are