


(速度高; 走路、做事等费的时间短) fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy:
动作快 be quick in action
快极了 very fast
请别说得那么快。 Please don't speak so fast.
他进步很快。 He has made rapid progress.
我的表快5分钟。 My watch is five minutes fast.
(赶快; 从速) hurry up; make haste:
孩子们,快进来,下雨啦 ! Hurry in, children. It's raining!
快把医生请来。 Bring the doctor in haste.
快点,不然我们就赶不上火车了。 Hurry (Buck) up or we will miss the train.
快跟我走。 Quick, come with me.
好的,但要快,没有几分钟就要开会了。 All right, but make it snappy. The meeting is to begin in a few minutes.
(速度) speed:
这车能跑多快? How fast can this car go?
(灵敏) quick-witted; ingenious:
眼明手快 quick of eye and deft of hand
他脑子快。 He has a quick mind.; He's quick-witted.; He understands things quickly.
(刀、剪、斧子等锋利) sharp; keen:
快斧 a sharp ax(e)
这把刀很快。 This knife is very sharp.
(爽快; 痛快; 直截了当) straightforward; forthright; plainspoken:
心直口快 straightforward and outspoken
(愉快; 高兴; 舒服) pleased; happy; gratified:
大快人心 to the immense satisfaction of the people
拍手称快 clap and cheer
心中不快 feel unhappy

(迅速地) quickly:
快来! Come here quickly!
(快要; 将近) soon; before long:
春节快到了。 The Spring Festival is drawing near.
快下课了。 The class will be over soon.
他快回来了。 He'll be back soon.
我来这儿快两年了。 It is nearly two years since I came here.

(姓氏) a surname:
快钦 Kuai Qin
第1个回答  2016-11-26
fast 英[fɑ:st] 美[fæst]
adj. 快的; 走得快; 感光快的; 紧的;
adv. (比准确的时间或宣布的时间) 快; 迅速地; 紧紧地; 彻底地;
vi. 禁食,(尤指)斋戒;
[例句]Brindley was known as a very, very fast driver
第2个回答  2016-11-26
fast adj.快的;走得快;感光快的;紧的
quick adj.快的,急速的;聪明的,凌厉的;灵活的;短时间做成的adv.迅速地,快速地
speedy adj.快的,迅速的;敏捷的
swift adj.迅速的;敏捷的;立刻的;突然发生的
tantivy n.疾驱,突进,快跑adj.疾速的,快的
第3个回答  2016-11-26
hurry fast quick
第4个回答  2016-11-26
quick 望采纳