my love歌词英文版


"My Love" 歌词英文版如下:


An empty street, an empty house,

A hole inside my heart,

I'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller,

I wonder how, I wonder why,

I wonder where they are,

The days we had,

The songs we sang together,

And oh! my love,

I'm holding on forever,

Reaching for a love that seems so far,

So I say a little prayer,

And hope my dreams will take me there,

Where the skies are blue, to see you once again, my love,

Over seas and coast to coast,

To find a place I love the most,

Where the fields are green,

To see you once again,

My love!

I Try to read, I go to work,

I'm laughing with my friends,

But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking,

I wonder how, I wonder why,

I wonder where they are,

The days we had,

The songs we sang together,

And oh! my love,

I'm holding on forever,

Reaching for a love that seems so far,

So I say a little prayer,

And hope my dreams will take me there,

Where the skies are blue, to see you once again, my love,

Over seas and coast to coast,

To find a place I love the most,

Where the fields are green,

To see you once again,

To hold you in my arms,

To promise you my love,

To tell you from the heart,

You're all I'm thinking of,

Reaching for a love that seems so far,

So I say a little prayer,

And hope my dreams will take me there,

Where the skies are blue, to see you once again, my love,

Over seas and coast to coast,

To find a place I love the most,

Where the fields are green,

To see you once again,

My love!

And hope my dreams will take me there,

Where the skies are blue, to see you once again, my love,

Over seas and coast to coast,

To find a place I love the most,

Where the fields are green,

To see you once again,

My love!


"My Love" 是一首充满深情和思念的歌曲,歌词表达了对爱人深深的怀念和无尽的承诺。这首歌以第一人称的视角,描绘了一个人在失去爱情后的孤独和绝望,以及他对过去美好时光的无限怀念。歌曲中提到的“empty street”和“empty house”等词语,生动地勾画出失去爱情后的空虚和寂寞。


歌词中多次出现“I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are”的反复询问,表达了主人公对过去爱情的深深眷恋和对爱人离去的困惑。同时,“The days we had, The songs we sang together”等回忆性的歌词,让人感受到主人公对过去幸福时光的留恋和回忆。


歌曲的高潮部分,“I'm holding on forever, Reaching for a love that seems so far”表达了主人公对爱情的坚守和执着,即使爱情似乎遥不可及,他仍然不愿放弃。而“So I say a little prayer, And hope my dreams will take me there”则表达了他对爱情的渴望和期待,希望能在梦中再次与爱人相遇。

总的来说,"My Love" 这首歌的歌词通过深情的表达和细腻的描绘,展现了爱情的美好和失去爱情后的痛苦,让人深感共鸣。