


When a Chinese converse with an American friend of the opposite sex, would it be indecent to looking at the other person?


An American says, “yes”, while lowering the eyes. Dose he really mean “yes”?
If o young Chinese friends of the same sex walk with their arms around each other’s shoulder or hold hands, would English-speaking people regard this as proper?
These are not questions about language, but about body language, about nonverbal munication.


The Chinese that says, “Yes”, while lowering the eyes may mean, “No”, because sometimes they feel reluctant to disrupt the harmony of the relationship by directly saying so(for example, when father ask you to do something which you don’t like, you may also say “Yes” in order to keep the harmonious relation with Dad). 


In the mainstream American culture, the folded arms of resolve, the grimace of pain or anger, the hand wringing of anxiety, are powerful municators of emotions. When people are sad, crying may be more suitable than words to express it. 


Think about how much more convinced you are, for example, that a group of children are excited when they jump up and down than if they simply state, “ We are very excited.”


Aording to the above description, we can see that body language diverse in different cultures, so does it used in expressing emotional feelings.




Body language is used to help people pass on information. Body language is very useful because it makes it easy for the other person to understand what you mean. When we talk with others, we are not only limited to using words to express, we also use facial expressions and body movements to express the information to each other.


For example: wave to say goodbye, smile and shake hands to welcome, clap to congratulate, nod to agree, shake head to disagree. These gestures have the same meaning for both Chinese and English speakers.


For different countries, body language is different. In Russia, France and Arab countries, for example, men kiss each other when they meet. In China or Australia, however, men do not kiss but shake hands. In Puerto Rico, people like to touch each other, but people in English speaking countries don't do that much. If you touch an Englishman, you should say "sorry".


Arabs like to stand close to each other when talking, while people in English speaking countries are willing to keep a certain distance. In some Asian countries, you can't touch other people's heads. In Arab countries, eating with the fingers of the right hand, not the left hand at all. In some parts of Asia, you can't sit with your feet up against others.


When you learn a foreign language, it's important to know the body language of the country. Following the customs of their country will help you communicate with others and make you happy and comfortable here.
