there is going to be和there is going to have有什么区别


"there is going to be"用于描述未来某个时间或地点将会发生或存在的情况,而"there is going to have"则用于表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。两者的构成方式相似,都是由主语+谓语+动词不定式组成。在使用环境上,"there is going to be"更常见于日常对话和各种文章中,而"there is going to have"通常用于谈论未来的计划或变化。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"there is going to be"指的是某个事件或情况将会发生或存在。

例句:There is going to be a party tonight.(今晚将有一个派对。)

"there is going to have"则表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。

例句:There is going to have a new manager next week.(下周将有一位新经理。)

2. 语法区别:

"there is going to be"是一个固定短语,由主语+谓语+动词不定式构成(be动词的不定式形式)。

例句:There is going to be a meeting this afternoon.(今天下午将有一个会议。)

"there is going to have"同样也是一个固定短语,由主语+谓语+动词不定式构成(have动词的不定式形式)。

例句:There is going to have a test tomorrow.(明天将进行一次考试。)

3. 用法区别:

"there is going to be"通常用于描述未来某个时间或地点将会发生或存在的情况。

例句:There is going to be a storm tonight.(今晚将会有一场暴风雨。)

"there is going to have"则通常用于表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。

例句:There is going to have a new car next month.(下个月将会有一辆新车。)

4. 使用环境区别:

"there is going to be"经常用于日常对话、新闻报道、书面文章等各种情况。

例句:The weather forecast says there is going to be heavy rain tomorrow.(天气预报显示明天将会有大雨。)

"there is going to have"通常用于谈论未来的计划、安排或变化。

例句:The company announced that there is going to have a reorganization.(公司宣布即将进行一次重组。)
