

1. 人称代词就是:我你他 我们 你们他们等
2. 具体如下:主格,即 在句子中作主语的 我 I 你 you 他 he 她 she 我们 we 你们 you 他们 they 它 it
宾格,在句子中做宾语 I 我 me 你 you 他 him 她 her 我们 us 你们 you 他们 them 它 it
3.举例说明 I am a boy He asked me to finish the work .
4. be 动词 即 am is are was were
i am ......
You are ....
He is .....
we are .....
第1个回答  2012-06-28
人称代词: 我 你(们) 他 她 它 我们 他们(她们)
主格:I you he she it we they
宾格:me you him her it us them
主格作主语: I am a boy. You are a girl. He is a student. She is a nurse.
We are Chinese They are red.
宾格作宾语: Look at me. I like them.( I 是主语,them 是宾语)
I am tall. They like me. ( they是主语, me是宾语)
注意:you 有两个意思:你,你们 You are a girl. You are girls.
Be动词 --- be am is are was were being been
be是动词原形,am is are 是现在形式, was were 是过去式 另两个可能你还没见过。
being 现在分词 been 过去分词
This is a book. Tom is a boy.
These are books. Tom and Danny are brothers.