

1. Should students help their parents with household chores?
2. Some parents believe that it is both necessary and important for students to engage in household chores. They argue that household chores serve as a form of physical exercise essential for mental development.
3. On the other hand, there are parents who think that studying is of utmost importance to students. They believe that priority should be given to studying both at school and at home, and thus students should be spared from any monotonous and time-consuming household tasks.
4. I believe that students should share the responsibility of household chores with their parents. Here are a few reasons why:
5. Firstly, participating in household chores helps students develop a sense of responsibility. Every family has its fair share of chores, and as members of the family, each person should contribute their part. Since students are part of the family, they should not be exempt from this responsibility.
6. Secondly, doing household chores provides students with the opportunity to understand their parents better. By helping with chores, students can appreciate the effort it takes for their parents to work and take care of the family simultaneously. This understanding may激励 them to study even harder in the future.
7. Lastly, engaging in household chores allows students to incorporate physical exercise into their daily routine. Given that students spend most of their time sitting and studying, this additional physical activity is certainly beneficial for their health.
8. In conclusion, I strongly advise those who are not accustomed to doing household chores to start doing so immediately. Not only will it please your parents, but you will also learn valuable lessons from it.