
作文:TOM借别人一本英语词典,许诺一个星期后还,写一封感谢性哪位朋友曾经写过或者见过的借我借鉴一下,谢谢了,汉语或英语的都行,要求是感谢信的格式。字数120单词左右, 如果有汉语的也行

Appreciate teacher me will appreciate mother, because her have gone through innumerable hardships me tape arrive this one in the world; I will appreciate papa, because him is a well-known set actually " humorous god ", have brought me countless happy; I will appreciate classmate, because they have brought my greatest help; Me want … … but me most think of thanks is the Chinese teacher who has taught my level of 5 years — — warm teacher. I can not hope forever that teacher cares for and helps for I's … … remember the just last level of 5 years me, still a timid girl can not converse with classmate happily as others at all. Up to meet warm teacher, my blood is monstrous, continuously boiling just like the wave of big sea. Perhaps is the face of teacher kind is teacher perhaps lecture very lively , I want to raise hand to speak suddenly , am smooth to speak one. Long for to attack and have fallen fear , I say lively , have won a slice of applause of classmates. Teacher makes me to sit , is cordial to have asked one of my sentence: " you call what name " My face is immediately red, but fly at heart gladly for Heaven go: Because teacher asks me name, show already the impression for that I have La! Final, I think: As being teacher should think is a son Ma! So me have said a sound loudly " Land swallow instrument " In schoolwork, the comment that teacher gives me for the first time is; Swallow instrument, foundation strong you, teacher has remembered! I think: Teacher, I love you! My papa is also a sound that calls me cordially " Swallow instrument " Now, you also so call me , feel suddenly that have a warm current to side with me to rush … … however, teacher also has criticism to pass me. Because the word that I write have laged behind , teacher ask me " Is me religion you teach not good " I shake the head promptly, say " Not, do not be! Each sentence words and each word that you say , me hear into ear " " That is your problem Lou " Teacher immediately Zhou take brows say. I do not have speech so as as " Is absorbed carefully " Teacher says. Me say " E " Walk out of office after, I want to cry very much, because as a good student, should be not called by teacher to go to office to criticize. But I also think: Always care for merely just , have said few sentence words for me, return not is for me good? Me trunk Ma will cry! Me should glad just for! Now tear just like ebb have retreated normally to return, I have also returned to classroom gladly. After issue end examination is tried , me surprise land discovery Chinese have examined 96. 5 divides! After seeing this quite high grade, it is 100 percentage satisfactions for self! But teacher say " It examines so low minute whether will hit your 4 " Do me is 2 zhang monks feel not brains. Return after home, I tell matter to papa, papa say " Is! It is correct to hit you. Why do you satisfy in present situation? You want to not satisfy forever, only so then can climb higher " I suddenly sees the light , teacher is diligently good and bitter really! Teacher, your love as if water the same milli do not have variegated, as ordinary cannot again lack! Do you know? I want to pick a slice of day gently so, but it is so distant, how can than get your kindly; I want to pull a cloud gently, but cloud son how can than on your pure; I want to pick a flower gently, but it how can than get your last life adornment that gives me gorgeous? Final, me a sentence that wants to say " Appreciate you, warm up teacher "
第1个回答  2012-07-11
Dear dad and mum,
Today is Thanksgiving Day, so I want to write a letter to you. I know you are kind and helpful to me. You cook meals and wash clothes for me every day. At the weekend, you often prepare some of my favorite food. Sometimes you also help me with my lessons. I know you are very strict with me, but when I make a mistake, you first listen to me and then have a talk with me instead of just complaining about it. You always try to understand me. I think that is a good way for a child to grow up. With your care, I am living and studying happily, so I want to say "I love you, dad and mum" .

第2个回答  2012-07-10
Hi (借 Tom 字典的人),
I am writing this letter to express my grattitude towards you. Still remeber the dictionary you lent me a week ago ? Thank you so much for it. At that time it was really emergent and I needed it alot. If you had not lend it to me, I would have been in big trouble. I can't tell you how grateful I am, I really feel your generosity and kindness, you really saved me. What happened, was that I needed a dictionary to study for my english test but I lost mine,  you  happily  lent  yours  to  me.Can you believe how unlucky I was ? I will return it to you soon the next time  I  get  to  see  you.  I  took  well  care  of  it.  Anyway,  thanks  a  bunch  !
Best  wishes,