

第1个回答  2012-07-10
Aircanpromote theobjects

Experimental topics: air to promote the objects it? Want the beginning of the experiment: We are surrounded by air, the addition to allow move, plants, and the body's normal work, but also as a kinetic energy? If you can not be able to save a lot of energy, and does not produce harmful substances? Experimental equipment: a toy truck, a balloon, a straw, some tape, a rubber band. Experiment: insert the straw did not blow the balloon with a rubber band fixed to ensure that from the straw to blow the balloon will not leak, and then blow the balloon full of air, and hand pinch the straw to prevent gas leakage. Then tape the balloon toy truck (the one end toward the straw). Finally let go of the exhaled air from a balloon to see whether to promote the toy truck forward. Experimental results: let go of the balloon where the air flow to promote the toy truck forward. Experimental Description: When the balloon full of gas pressure than atmospheric pressure gradually release the air, will produce the action and reaction, so to move something forward. Until the pressure inside the balloon and atmospheric pressure, when the air is no longer release, action and reaction will disappear, the object will be to halt. Legend of experiment: If reusable rechargeable battery-powered compressed air engine instead of gasoline engines, not only environmental protection, energy conservation, and cheap, convenient and practical.