求英语作文 一个有趣的实验???急急


是这个吗?说吧点燃的蜡烛摆在水中,再把玻璃杯盖过蜡烛,过一会蜡烛熄了,水就上升。 Today our teacher got a candle. She put it on a stand, in a basin, with coins beside it. Then she put a glass jar full of air over the candle. She put some water in the basin. Our teacher lit the candle. The candle stayed lighting in the air for a while and bubbles appear in the wate. Then the candle went out. Now because the jar was empty and all the air was used up the water rushed in to fill the space in the jar. Look at all the water that rushed into the jar to fill up the space that the air used to take. 很开心帮到你。