

Dining Table Tips 餐桌上的礼仪
Beginning 开始

There are two common approaches to determining how to begin. At smaller events, it is common to wait to take a bite until everyone at the table has received a serving and the hostess has begun eating. Sometimes a hostess may urge her guests to eat immediately upon receiving the food. This is especially true at larger events; swherewaiting for everyone would allow it to get cold. In this case, wait until one or two of the other guests are ready to begin as well, so that you are not the only person at the table who is eating.

Posture 坐姿

Proper posture at the table is very important. Sit up straight, with your arms held near your neither lean on the back of the chair nor bend forward to place the elbows on the table.

Eating Soup 喝汤

Dip the spoonsintosthe soup, moving it away from the body, until it is about two-thirds full,then sip the liquid from the side of the spoon.

Finger Bowls 洗指碗

At formal events, it will be either before or after the dessert course. Often there is a slice of lemon floating in the water. All you need to know is that you should delicately dip your fingertips in the water, dry them off with your napkin, and set the bowl to the side of your plate.
Offering Food 提供食物

Take note, when you are the host of a party, urging someone to "have another helping" can be seen as an unpleasant insinuation (暗示)that the guest has eaten too much.

"Please Pass the Salt." “请把盐递给我。”

The proper response to this request is to pick up both the salt and the pepper and to place them on the table within reach of the person next to you, who will do the same, and so on, until they reach the person who asked for them.

Removing Inedible Items from the Mouth 把不能吃的从嘴里拿出

The general rule for removing food from your mouth is that it should go out the same way it went in.
第1个回答  2008-02-14
Beginning 开始
Posture 坐姿
Eating Soup 喝汤
Finger Bowls 洗指碗
Please Pass the Salt." “请把盐递给我。”
Removing Inedible Items from the Mouth 把不能吃的从嘴里拿出

第2个回答  2008-02-02
第3个回答  2008-02-02