那什么,我要林肯公园新专辑living things中的Powerless,I'll Be Gone和In My Remains中文歌词

Powerless,I'll Be Gone和In My Remains这三首歌歌词的中文意思,谢谢谢谢

Like shining oil, this night is dripping down 夜如波光粼粼的水波般荡来Stars are slipping down, glistening 星划过夜空,闪耀着
And I'm trying not to think what I'm leaving now 我克制自己不去想正在失去什么
No deceiving now, it's time you let me know.别骗我,是时候你告诉我真相了
Let me know 告诉我
When the lights go out and we open our eyes, 当天崩地裂后,我们朦胧醒来
out there in the silence, 只有寂静
I'll be gone, I'll be gone. 我会离开,离开
Let the sun fade out and another one rise 就让太阳慢慢黯淡,一切重来
Climbing through tomorrow, 开始新的一天
I'll be gone, I'll be gone. 我会改变,改变 This in between us is getting thinner now 我们之间正渐行渐远,形同陌路
into winter now, bitter sweet 进入寒冬,苦、涩
across that horizon this sun is setting down 太阳渐渐落入地平线
You're forgetting now,你忘了我们的过去
it's time you let me go, let me go 让我去吧
When the lights go out and we open our eyes, 涅磐重生
out there in the silence, 一切恢复安静
I'll be gone, I'll be gone.我会离开
Let the sun fade out and another one rise让太阳消失吧!
Climbing through tomorrow,另一个太阳明天会升起
I'll be gone, I'll be gone.我会消失
And tell them I couldn't help myself 告诉他们我无法控制自己的欲望
And tell them I was alone 告诉他们我孑孓一人
Oh, tell me I am the only one 安慰我:我是那唯一一个
and there's nothing left to stop me. 没有什么还能阻止我了 When the lights go out and we open our eyes,我失去了理智
out there in the silence,突然一片寂静
I'll be gone, I'll be gone. 我会改变的
Let the sun fade out and another one rise 核弹爆炸,一切灰飞烟灭
Climbing through tomorrow, 但明天所有的又会重复
I'll be gone, I'll be gone, I'll be gone. 我只能离开