
首先,课堂上要跟随老师的思维方式,积极提问和参加学习相关组织聚会, 课后积极复习,和其他学生勤恳韩语交流,有问题积极提问,我会经常去图书馆查询韩国文化,历史和相关书籍,加深对韩国的了解,深入韩国语的学习。

The integrated strength of the Korea University among the best, after knowing the school ethos and professional, I am deeply in love ---- University, so I am going to apply for Korean and professional ---- University of Reading.
First of all, the class to follow the teacher's way of thinking, actively ask questions and participate in the study of relevant organize the party, after-school positive review, the diligent Korean exchange and other students, a problem with a positive question, I will often go to the library to query the Korean culture, history and books to deepen their understanding of Korea, in-depth learning of Korean.
I was admitted to Korea University to start professional courses to be excellent results, if successfully admitted to the university, I will communicate regularly with teachers and students try to broaden their knowledge in extra-curricular time to contact professional and professional books and publications, surface. University courses with the greatest ability to end the fight for the degree.
I strive ---- University degree programs within four years, during which I put all the focus on her studies, and continuous efforts for the acquisition of a solid professional, after graduation, I was ready to ---- universities continue to graduate studies lay a solid foundation for future work.
Returned after graduation, hoping to find a workplace can give a lifetime passion, not only expectations modest contribution for the development of China-ROK friendly.
保证正确率百分之九十五以上 望采纳
第1个回答  2012-04-17
(我非高手,供你参考呃)Gaoli university ranks the top and especially when I got to know more about your style and subjects, I became one of your fans. Now, I'm ready to apply for a student of Korean in your school.
Surely I'll follow teachers' instructions and raise questions in class, attend activities and take reviews of the books after class. And i'll appear in the library often for more knowledge on Korean culture and history to help my language studies.
Of course first I must try my best to pass the enterance examination for your college and will make friends with my teachers and classmates. I have a wide interests and hope to make my dreams come true in the colledge life.
Some little plans, I hope to continue working harder for a master's degree. And after that i'll be going back to China to devote myself to the friendship between our two countries.