
老师让我们用英语讨论 一个好学生应该具有什么样的好品质 ?(what good personalities should a good student have?)应该怎么讨论呀? 有什么好品质呀?谢谢各位,请用英语回答?

A good student should be caring, forgiving, honest and know how to apologize. Almost all of us are only child. Normally we are cared by our parents, grandparents and relatives, so it is easy for us to forget how to care about another people. It is also easy for us to be selfish, so it is necessary for us to know that as a good student we should be caring. We should treat the others in the way that we want to be treated. A good student also should know how to forgive each other's mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. The great people always know how to forgive. France forgave Germany after the second world war, so now France and Germany have the great relationship to beneft them. Honesty is a great personality. Everyone knows how important it is. Knowing how to apologize is important. We are not God, so it is normal for us to make mistakes. Apologizing requires great conrage, because we have to face what we have done and criticize ourselves. A good student knows how to face their mistakes and apologize.
第1个回答  2007-12-16