英语作文:根据提示,写一篇80词的短文(开头已给出,不计入总次数) 急!!!!!!!

参考词汇:respect尊敬;be polite to;obey遵守;traffic rules;zebra crossing斑马线。
开头:As students,what should we do?We should...

We should do good manners.First, we should not only respect to our teachers,but also be polite to other people.Secind,helping others is a good manner,and be friendly to your parters is also a good thing.Third,it is important to obey the traffic rules,for example,when we cross the road,we should walk on the zebra crossing,and we mustn't go across the road when the traffic light is red.Last but not the least,it is our duty to protect the environment,for example,we do not throw the rubbish anywhere and we don't step the grass land.
In my opinion,besides those things we shoud do,we also don't say rude words and we should not spoit anywhere.