

apart from 1.除……之外(别无);除……之外(尚有) 2.除了;且不说
a lot of ,许多
agree with 同意
ahead of 1.在…之前;超过 2.在…前面,先于;胜过
allow for :考虑到,顾及
arrive at/in 到达
along with :和.....在一起
attend to:1. 注意;致力于 2. 关心;照料;护理
第1个回答  2012-05-03
太多了吧 光AT开头的就不少了
at bay
at sea
at first
at hand
at large
at least
at peace
at stake
at will
at worst
at bottom
at a push
at large
at once
at a pinch
at any rate
at any price
at this rate
at full tilt
at every turn
at the coalface
at a low ebb
at full blast
at a loss
at short notice
at all costs
at the double
at full stretch
at leisure
at a price
at the same time
at ease
at times
at risk
at random
at issue
at present
at a glance
第2个回答  2012-05-02
a couple pf
a lot of
a great deal of
第3个回答  2012-05-02
accord to
acompany with
apply to
第4个回答  2012-05-02
a pair of
a lot of
第5个回答  2012-05-02
a lot