

nique local customs and its source, the status quo, and the influence on the local society, from another side reflects the Thai culture. Through the festival on the game field investigation, interview with local residents, and experience some of these projects, and combined with the original Thai material research, the author found that the people of the festival from agricultural life, and Thailand deep-rooted belief in Buddhism are closely related, to local agriculture, commerce, tourism development and social atmosphere orientation has had a significant impact. At the same time, the festival also reflect the spirit of the local people, explained the Thailand society one good turn deserves another, considerate in return of buddhist thought, into ox in Thai society profound cultural connotation. One ox, people also through the festival in the form of the kindness of return ox, cows in Thailand people's heart has irreplaceable important position.
第1个回答  2012-05-04
recently,with more exchange of two countries China and Thailand,then doing research on Thailand cultural is becoming an academic hot issue.Thailand Chon Buri cattle festival as a local custom,its original ,current state and its effect to local society,which shows Thailand cultural from the other sides.from spot investigation through cattle festival ,have an Interview With local and experienced some activities personal,combine original Thailand inforamtion,i find that cattle festival comes from local people's daily life,it is related to Thailand Buddhism beliefs.it affects the local agriculture,business tourism and social morality.at the same time,cattle festival reflects local people's spiritual ballast,explains the action of Buddhism's help each other,gives the cattle of deep culture connotation.cattle shows favor to human and in turn local people in the form of festival to repay cattle's kindness,cattle has an irreplaceable position in Thai people.
第2个回答  2012-05-04
With the deepening of China and Thailand in recent years the people of the exchange, Thai culture has gradually become the academic hot. Thailand Chonburi Game cattle section as a unique local customs sources, the status quo, as well as on the local community, from another perspective, reflecting the Thai culture. Deep-rooted race cattle Festival site, site visits, interviews with local residents, and to experience some of these projects, the combination of original Thai data and research, I found that race cattle section comes from the agricultural life of the people, and Thailand is closely related to the Buddhist faith had a significant impact on local agriculture, commerce, tourism development and the social atmosphere oriented. The same time, the race cattle Festival also reflect the locals spiritual interpretation of the Thai society good turn deserves another, Gratitude Buddhist thought, given the deep cultural connotation of cattle in Thai society. Cattle grace in people, cattle people through the festival in the form of reward Ende, cattle plays an irreplaceable important position in the minds of the本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2012-05-04
In recent years, the people of China and Thailand exchanges and deepening, the study of Thailand culture has gradually become an academic focus. Thailand Chonburi Fu tournament cattle festival as a unique local customs, its origin, current situation, as well as the influence to the local society, reflected from the other side of the Thailand culture. The ox match game site visits, interviews with local residents, as well as the experience of some of these projects, and the combination of the original Thai data research, author discovery, match cattle Festival originates from people's life with the Thailand agriculture, ingrained Buddhist beliefs are closely related, to the local agricultural, commercial, tourism and society climate orientation has produced important influence. At the same time, match bovine section also reflect local people's spiritual sustenance, interpretation of the Thailand society of good works, gratitude Buddhist thought, give cattle in Thailand society's profound cultural connotation. Niu Youen in person, people also through festival form repay kindness cattle, cattle in Thailand people's mind has the irreplaceable important position.