
1:let`s go to the science m( )this afternoon.
2:the library is in f( )of the school.
mary:what`s the weather like today?
linda:it`s sunny.
mary:good!do you want to do to the clothes shop with me?
linda:yes.where is the shop?
mary:it`s next to the post office.
linda:is it far from here?
mary:yes,it`s a long walk.we can go there by subway.
linda:what do you want to buy,mary?
mary:i want to buy a t-shirt for my father and a belt for me.
linda:i want to buy a dress for my birthday.
mary:ok.let`s go.
问:1:mary and linda are going to take the subway.( )
2:mary wants to buy a shirt for her dad.( )
3:perhaps linda will wear a new dress on her birthday.( )

1:let`s go to the science m(useum )this afternoon.
2:the library is in f(ront )of the school.问:1:mary and linda are going to take the subway.( 对 )
2:mary wants to buy a shirt for her dad.( 错 )
3:perhaps linda will wear a new dress on her birthday.( 对 )