求英语达人朋友们,帮忙解答一下这2个题目 最好解释一下哦,谢谢 在线等回复 O(∩_∩)O

①. ________ there is much doubt about his sincerity. (currently / current)
②. Do you think she is too _____ with her own daughters? (firm / firmity)
③. It's _________ for him to be late, he's always punctual. (regular / irregular)
④. Accounting must be changed in ________ with the international standard. (conform/conformity)
⑤. A board is a group of people who have the _________ power on certain issue. (supervisor/supervisory)

1. currently。 本句是完整的一句话,所以应该用副词形式做状语。there be句型中的there be是谓语,形容词无法修饰谓语并且形容词无法放在句子开头。
2. firm。 firm在句中充当表语被副词too修饰。firmity这个词俺没见过,你看看还不是打错啦。
3. irregular。 考察正反义词的意思。punctual是“准时的”,所以他迟到的情况只能是irregular。
4. conformity。 conform可做动词和形容词,conformity的词性是名词,in是介词常常后跟名词作其宾语,所以应该是conformity。另外in conformity with本身是个固定搭配的词组。
5. supervisory。 此处要选填的词跟在冠词the后面和名词power前面,就表明应该选一个形容词作定语。supervisor是个名词,看到or结尾可以推断这个词表示一种职业身份。