英语作文 你的好朋友何萧雨向你抱怨父母不理解他 对他要求太高 他们之间不能很好的沟通 请你给他写封回信

1 多交流,增进理解
2 体会父母的辛劳和对自己的付出
3 意识到自身的责任 把学习视为主要的任务
英语作文 谢谢了!!!

Dear He Xiaoyu:
I am sorry to hear that you are very unsatisfide with your parents.Because they are always stract in your study.And you can't talk with them .As you friend,I want to say something to you .
I think you'd better talk with your parents as much as you can.Then you can understand each other even more.Maybe that will let you know how tough they are living and how much they do for you. Maybe they will know what you want too,you should study hard and make study as your mainly task.
Hope you have a good day! See you .来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2012-10-14

You know, parents are good for us. If there is any problem, can be more exchanges, enhance mutual understanding. To understand the parents toil and pay to oneself, this is very not easy. We should be more aware of their own responsibilities, take the study as main task. More should be filial to our parents.
第2个回答  2012-10-14

这是写 英语作文好么 !!!!!!!!!
